


2012-2-20 12:14| 发布者: as2113712| 查看: 254| 评论: 0

摘要: 雅思66天倒计时基本功训练:被动语态的深化   Part I:单词与短语   quick adj.快的;worried adj.担忧的;call at(动词短语)造访;local adj.当地的,本图的;pick up(动词短语)拾起,捡到   Part II:语法学习 ...



  Part I:单词与短语

  quick adj.快的;worried adj.担忧的;call at(动词短语)造访;local adj.当地的,本图的;pick up(动词短语)拾起,捡到

  Part II:语法学习


  示例1:He was asked to call at the police station.

  示例2:He wondered why he was wanted by the police.

  示例3:He was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found.

  示例4:The bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away.

  示例5:It is now being sent to his home by train.

  示例6:He never expected the bicycle to be found.

  示例7:It was stolen 20 years ago when he was a boy of fifteen.

  Part III:综合训练

  Dan has been (1 worry) all week (2) he (3 receive) a letter from the local police last Tuesday. In the letter, he was asked (4) call (5) the police station. (6) Dan wondered (7) he was wanted by the police, he went to the station yesterday (8) now he is not (9 worry) anymore. (10) the station, he was told by a (11 smile) policeman (12) his bicycle (13) been found (14) (15) it was (16 be) sent to his home by train. He never expected the bicycle to (17) found; (18), when he heard the news, he was both (19 surprise) and (20 amuse), (21) it was (22 steal) 20 years ago (23) he was a boy (24) 15.


  (1) worried; (2) since; (3) received; (4) to; (5) at; (6) Though; (7) why; (8) and; (9) worried; (10) At; (11) smiling; (12) that; (13) had; (14) and; (15) that; (16) being; (17) be; (18) therefore; (19) surprised; (20) amused; (21) for; (22) stolen; (23) when; (24) of

  Part IV:句型转换


  1. Dan has been worried all week. He received a letter from the local police last Tuesday.

  2. He received a letter. In the letter, he was asked to call at the police station.

  3. Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police. He went to the station yesterday. Now he is not worried anymore.

  4. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. It is now being sent to his home by train.

  5. He never expected the bicycle to be found. He heard the news. He was surprised. He was amused too. It was stolen 20 years ago. He was a boy of 15.


  1. Dan has been worried all week since he received a letter from the local police last Tuesday.

  2. He received a letter in which he was asked to call at the police station.

  3. Though Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police, he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore.

  4. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found and that it was being sent to his home by train.

  5. He never expected the bicycle to be found; therefore, when he heard the news, he was both surprised and amused, for it was stolen 20 years ago when he was a boy of 15.

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Jenny:How did you know Mr. Gao, Jack.?

  Jack:I was learning English at a training school and he was teaching us.

  Jenny:That’s interesting! How did you meet your girlfriend?

  Jack:Well, I was attending Mr. Gao’s class and she was in the same class.

  Jenny:How did you know Mr. Gao’s school?

  Jack:I was looking for a school to improve my English and I saw their advertisement in the newspaper.

  Jenny:Oh, I see. But how did you get the sunburn?

  Jack:I was lying on the river bank, and I fell asleep.

  Jenny:And how did you get that stain on your shirt?

  Jack:Oh, I was eating an ice cream and it dripped all over.


  Waitress:Hi, good afternoon. Can I help you?

  Carol:I’d like to have a single room for one night, please.

  Waitress:Do you have a reservation?

  Carol:Well, I’m afraid I don’t.

  Waitress:No problem. Let me check if we still have any room left. Oh, yes. The guest in room 301 is checking out at 4 o’clock, just in 10 minutes.

  Carol:That’s great! I can wait for a while and then check in. By the way, is breakfast included?

  Waitress:Yes, it is.

  Carol:One more thing, is the hotel close by any form of public transportation?

  Waitress:Yes, it is. There are two subway lines and 10 bus routes nearby.

  Carol:Great. Then I can look around the city easily.


  1.Can you tell me how to improve my spoken English?—That’s easy: speak it a lot!

  2.I need to exercise a lot in order to improve my health.

  3.Your English has improved a lot. How did you do it?

  4.We have put up a lot of advertisements lately.

  5.I saw your advertisement and feel very interested in the courses you offer.

  6.When I went to the beach, I forgot to bring my umbrella and got this sunburn.

  7.Look at your ice cream! It’s dripping on the carpet! Oh, Good Heavens! There are so many stains already.

  8.If you wish to have a place to stay for the night, you’d better make a reservation first.

  9.You can take the subway to go downtown.

  10.There aren’t enough bus routes in our city.

  11.I plan to look around the city this afternoon.

  12.Look at those bicycles. I’m going to have trouble getting across the street.

  13.You’ll get used to the traffic here soon.

  14.Would you like to go sightseeing this afternoon, or would you rather wait until tomorrow?

  15.I hear the Tiger Hill and Zhuozheng Garden are really worth seeing.


  a training school培训学校;improve vt.提高,改善;advertisement n.广告;sunburn n.晒斑;river bank河岸;fall asleep睡过去了;stain n.脏点,污点;drip vi.滴落,滴下;single room单人间;reservation n.预定;check vt.查看;check out退房;check in登记入住;included adj.包括的,包含的;one more thing还有一事;any form of任何形式的;public transportation n.公共交通;subway line n.地铁线;bus route n.公交线路;look around the city逛市区;get across the street穿过街道;get used to习惯于;go sightseeing 去观光;worth seeing 值得一看

  Part VI:快速阅读

  The Worries of a Little Man

  I once knew a little man. Every day he grew twenty-four hours older without becoming any taller or larger. This made him unhappy. For he wished very much to be tall and large like other men. He could not bear(忍受) to hear people say: "Good morning, my little man!"

  One day a bright(很灵光的) idea came into his mind. He would go to the shoemaker's(鞋匠) and have a pair of high heels(高跟鞋) put on his shoes. That would make him taller, at least, he thought. And people would stop calling him "little man".

  The shoemaker very kindly set to(开始) work. When he had finished it and been paid, he said, "I hope that I have pleased(让你高兴) you and you will call again another day. Good-bye, my little man!"

  The little gentleman walked away, greatly hurt(很受伤). The shoemaker did not show much respect(尊重) for his feelings. "It will be different with the doctor. Doctors know everything," he thought. "He will open his eyes and greet me by another name." So he went at once to the doctor's. He kept himself all the time as straight as a young soldier on guard(站岗).

  "Good morning, my little man;" said the doctor, "what can I do for you?"

  Just think how sad the little man must have felt. His high heels had done him so little good. He turned about(转身) and hurried away(匆忙离去).

  When he walked past a hat shop, he made up his mind to go in and buy the tallest hat in the shop. He was hardly inside the door when the shopkeeper greeted him with, "Good morning, my little man! What can I do for you today?

  "I want to buy a tall hat, as tall as possible, "he said. "It will make me so tall that people will stop calling me a little man."

  When the shopkeeper gave him the tallest hat in the shop and got his money, he said : "Thank you. I'm glad you like it. Good day, my little man."

  The little gentleman was very angry, but he said nothing. "Now it will be different with the doctor this time." he thought. He wore(戴着) his hat on the side of his head like an Englishman and hurried back.

  "Good morning, my little man, "the doctor smiled and in a very friendly way, "what can I do for you now?"

  You may imagine how terrible the blow(打击) was! What was the use of having such high heels and so tall a hat, when everybody seemed to turn a blind eye to(对。。。视而不见) them! He went up and down the street and asked why he was still called little man with the hight heels and tall hat. No one could or would tell him. That made him all the more(更加,愈发) unhappy.

  You know the answer, of course. He was a fool, but he is not the only fool in the world. Have you ever heard of anyone who thought of becoming great by wearing fine clothes?





  1. 打印老师的阅读课课件,结合自己课堂笔记把课件在回忆,理解的基础上补充的更加完整,熟读并且努力背诵解题思路。

  2. 结合已经做过的真题,分析出自己擅长和不擅长的题型,做到心中有数,以应对考场各种情况。


  ★ 考试时间:1-2周的同学



  1. 先把笔记上这部分的做题思路背下来。

  2. 其次把剑四,剑五里这个题型已经做过的题目仔细分析,思考为什么曾经做错,从中吸取经验。同时对做对的题目也要分析到位。

  3. 然后把剑四,剑五里涉及到这个题型剩余的题目,定好时间,按时完成。核对答案,分析错题。在剑四,剑五都以题型的方式处理过之后,

  4. 最后一周拿剑六当大套题做,按照真实考试时间

  9:00 am-9:40 am 听力


  9:40 am-10:40 am 阅读

  10:45 am-11:45 am 写作



  ★ 考试时间:1-2个月的同学



  1. 先把笔记上某部分的做题思路背下来。

  2. 其次把剑三,剑四里这个题型已经做过的题目仔细分析,思考为什么曾经做错,从中吸取经验。同时对做对的题目也要分析到位。

  3. 然后把剑四的12篇文章做精读。对语言进行一定必要的积累。还有一个月准备的同学。至少按照精读的六个要求,选不同题材做五篇精读,准备二个月的同学,至少按照要求做十篇。找出自己的不足。在剑三,剑四都以题型的方式处理过,而且剑四还做了适当的精读之后,

  4. 然后把剑五当套题做一遍,结合精讲订正改错。

  5. 最后一周拿剑六当大套题做,按照真实考试时间。

  ★ 考试时间:3-4个月的同学



  1. 选一本单词书背完

  2. 按照课上要求复习相关语法

  3. 可以补充教材<<朗文高级英语阅读>>上下册+参考书和Insight into IELTS (蓝色那一本,补充练习)比实际考试难

  4. 然后同1-2个月的复习方案。

  ★ 补充说明:


  2. 阅读看看机经,不能依靠阅读机经,有时间熟悉背景还可以。

  3. 重心应该在最后一周,甚至两周转移到口语和写作上。








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