


2012-2-20 09:49| 发布者: as2113712| 查看: 443| 评论: 3

摘要: 雅思考试阅读部分T/F/NG题目剖析不应缩写   剑桥回信: T,F,NG 不被接受;剑三误导,号召各位雅友投诉剑三出版社有多少雅友因为写了缩写T,F,NG而导致低分的呢?原因都在于自己不小心看题吗? 其实我们这样写是因 ...

  剑桥回信: T,F,NG 不被接受;剑三误导,号召各位雅友投诉剑三出版社有多少雅友因为写了缩写T,F,NG而导致低分的呢?原因都在于自己不小心看题吗? 其实我们这样写是因为用了Cambridge IELTS 3,剑桥考试委员会的考试样书.在该书中,所付答案后清楚写明True/T, False/F,Not Given/NG 同时是正确答案,否则我们也不会偷懒只写缩写.关于这件事,我给剑桥方发了EMAIL,回答表明缩写不被接受.



  Dear Sir or Madam

  The instructions that candidates must follow are those given in the test itself at the beginning of each set of questions. For example, the instructions for a set of T/F/NG questions are as follows:

  In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write

  TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

  FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

  NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

  The instructions given in the question paper make it very clear what candidates should write. We recommend that candidates follow the instructions given only.


  Alison Pettit

  IELTS Exams Administrator

  Cambridge ESOL

  01223 553355

  Alison Pettit

  IELTS Exams Administrator

  Cambridge ESOL

  01223 553355

  From: may.liang [mailto:may.liang@126.com]

  Sent: 25 July 2006 17:02

  To: ESOL Helpdesk; EFL

  Subject: about ielts marking

  Dear University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations,I am writing to inquire about marking for the current ielts. Recently i heard a rumor that to one form of the quetions in the reading tests T,F,NG can not be taken as correct answers to take the place of True, False and Not Given. Is this true?

  It reminds me that there doesn‘t seem to be an official way that candidates can refer to as to what should be considered the standard answer. Currently the only resources are Cambridge IELTS 1, 2,3 and 4 in which there are detailed directions of how the tests are about. However, in Cambridge 3, published in 2004,sample answers for the tests indicate clearly that True/T, False/F and Not Given/NG, Yes/Y,No/N are all acceptible as correct answers. This, although not referred to be official document required to read by candidates, obviously give them a hint that the same situations can be applied to real tests.

  The reason why the rumors as mentioned above came is the publication of Cambridge IELTS 4,in which the sample answers change, and there is no alternative answers as T,F,NG, or Y,N, NG. However, as I said above. There is no indication that Cambridge 4 or any of the above books can be applied to be offical instrctions that candidates must read before taking the tests. As a matter of fact, many candidates as I know are not informed of this book and therefore didn‘t read it or didn‘t notice the slight changes even they did have the book.

  Based on the confusion I have about the tests. there two intentions for writing this letter,firstly, inquiry about whether T,F,NG or Y,N are acceptible answers,and secondly, suggestion that there be an offical direction of the tests upon registration as to what should be taken into consideration .

  I look forward to you reply. Thank you very much for your time.

  Yours sincerely,

  May Liang



  1. 有相对简单和相对费时的题型;












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Talon est très bien et oui, fine et ressac. Cela ne veut ne pas dire qu'elles avaient disparu, mais cette fois, ils ont occupent à nouveau les pistes, a pris fin à l'état brut avec la révolution. Il y a aussi un sens nouveau, il est trapu et très bien--la combinaison de l'avant-pied de la partie de la chaussure cache un fond épais, super haut dans la dernière partie des chaussures fines. Pleine forme lisse et élégante et sexy. Avec plus regardé plus attractif--et, bien s?r, ils ne fournissent pas beaucoup de soutien pour vos pieds. Cependant, en regardant ces belles chaussures, beaucoup de gens est dans ma tête vide, simplement ne pouvait se rappeler les problèmes d'ergonomie. épais avec chunky et rugueux dans les dernières saisons était populaire, une partie des maisons de mode ont aussi amélioré cette tendance, de le prendre pour une nouvelle saison d'automne et d'hiver. Malgré la résurgence de fine élégante, nous venons a investi près de talons rugueux ne devr ...
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「はは、終わった、俺の恋が終わった。うぉおおおお!貴雅、私はこういう時にどうすればいいのかな。 今はただ、彼の事を信じることしか私にはできなかった。それにしても、響もいつのまにか身長も伸びて男の子になったわね」 マジマジと僕を見つめる双葉。 真綾お姉ちゃん同様に僕は彼女とも付き合いが長い。せっかくお兄ちゃんとのラブシーン突入かって期待していたのに。バカっ、お兄ちゃんは女の子の気持ち全然分かってない」 拗ねる私に彼は困った顔をする。「べ、別にメイド服着て、とか無茶言ってるわけじゃないんだから」 「そちらなら全力で、力づくでも拒否させてもらう」 「そちらなら、ということはこっちならOK?」 「そういうレベルの問題じゃないんだが」 苦笑する彼はしばらく思案すると私に言った。夕食は俺と更紗が作った共同料理、うーむ、更紗のことを責めていたわりには料理とは難しいことを知った。 食器洗いを終えた俺が更紗の部屋を訪れると、彼女はまだメイド服を着たままだった。人間も同じ、ひとつの過程を間違えれば悪くなる。 今、桜華を傷つけてしまう事は後の彼女に悪影響を与えてしまうということだ。」 「ただの旅行好きよ。日ご ...


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