


2011-7-31 12:39| 发布者: 尒、囄| 查看: 203| 评论: 0

摘要: 2006年12月24日六级参考答案 1. N 2. Y 3. Y 4. NG 5. a trip to the Mir Space Station 6. a space hotel 7. small gravitation pull 8. the fuel of spacecraft 9. $50,000 10. space travel 11. -46 暂缺 47. as ...


1.     N

2.     Y

3.     Y

4.     NG

5.     a trip to the Mir Space Station

6.     a space hotel

7.     small gravitation pull

8.     the fuel of spacecraft

9.     $50,000

10.   space travel

11.   -46 暂缺

47.   as a blessing

48.   simplified

49.   their house need to be simplified

50.   different

51.   make a list of the unnecessary things before unloading them

52.   B the instinctive fear human being feel when faced with potential danger

53.   D the amygdale plays a vital part in human and animal responses to potential danger

54.   A a little worry will do us good if handled properly

55.   D understand the situation and be fully prepared

56.   B understandable

57.   B Their intense desire for money

58.   C He could not get his students to understand the importance of ethics in business

59.   D there was no place for ethics and morality in business dealings

60.   A the tendency in business school to stress self-interest over business ethics

61.   A the calls for reform will help promote business ethics

62.   on → in

63.   daythe之间插入when

64.   demand → demanding

65.   去掉to

66.   in → that

67.   writing → write

68.   desirable → undesirable

69.   begin → began

70.   its → their

71.   nation → national

72.   followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.

73.   watched her injured son sent into the operation room.

74.   were advised not to travel to that country at the moment

75.   via E-mail instead of telephone

76.   Until the deadline came, he didn’t sent out







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