


2011-7-31 11:58| 发布者: 尒、囄| 查看: 279| 评论: 0

摘要: 2003年6月21日大学英语六级(CET-6)真题试卷(3)Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D ...


Directions:    There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

41.   In November 1987 the government ________ a public debate on the future direction of the official sports policy.

A) initiated

B) designated

C) induced

D) promotedA

42.   I found it difficult to ________ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.

A) consolidate

B) amend

C) reconcile

D) IntensifyB

43.   We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it ________ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society.

A) compacted

B) restricted

C) dispersed

D) delayedB

44.   It is fortunate for the old couple that their son’s career goals and their wishes for him ________.

A) coincide

B) comply

C) conform

D) collaborateA

45.   Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is ________ in commercials.

A) permeated

B) alleged

C) depicted

D) draftedB

46.   Europe’s earlier industrial growth was ________ by the availability of key resources, abundant and cheap labor, coal, iron ore, etc.

A) constrained

B) detained

C) remained

D) sustainedD

47.   As the trial went on, the story behind the murder slowly ________ itself.

A) convicted

B) released

C) haunted

D) unfoldedD

48.   We’ve just installed a fan to ________ cooking smells from the kitchen.

A) eject

B) expel

C) exclude

D) exileC

49.   Retirement is obviously a very complex ________ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better.

A) transformation

B) transmission

C) transaction

D) transitionD

50.   Mutual respect for territorial ________ is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships.

A) unity

B) integrity

C) entirety

D) reliabilityB

51.   As one of the youngest professors in the university, Mr. Brown is certainly on the ________ of a brilliant career.

A) porch

B) edge

C) course

D) thresholdD

52.   We work to make money, but it’s a ________ that people who work hard and long often do not make the most money.

A) paradox

B) prejudice

C) dilemma

D) conflictA

53.   The design of this auditorium shows a great deal of ________. We have never seen such a building before.

A) invention

B) illusion

C) originality

D) orientationC

54.   The damage to my car was ________. in the accident, but I have a lingering fear even today.

A) insufficient

B) ignorant

C) ambiguous

D) negligibleD

55.   Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very ________.

A) obscure

B) indefinite

C) dubious

D) intriguingA

56.   Diamonds have little ________ value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.

A) intrinsic

B) eternal

C) subtle

D) inherentA

57.   Doctors are interested in using lasers as a surgical tool in operations on people who are ________ to heart attack.

A) infectious

B) disposed

C) accessible

D) proneB

58.   Many countries have adopted systems of ________ education in order to promote the average level of education.

A) compulsory

B) cardinal

C) constrained

D) conventionalA

59.   I had eaten Chinese food often, but I could not have imagined how ________ and extravagant a real Chinese banquet could be,

A) prominent

B) fabulous

C) handsome

D) graciousB

60.   They are ________ investors who always make thorough investigations both on local and international markets before making an investment.

A) implicit

B) conscious

C) cautious

D) indecisiveC

61.   In addition to the rising birthrate and immigration, the ________ death rate contributed to the population growth.

A) inclining

B) increasing

C) declining

D) descendingC

62.   Because of the ________ noise of traffic I couldn’t get to sleep last night.

A) prevalent

B) perpetual

C) provocative

D) progressiveB

63.   Don’t let such a ________ matter as this come between us so that we can concentrate on the major issue.

A) trivial

B) slight

C) partial

D) minimalA

64.   If you go to the park every day in the morning, you will ________ find him doing physical exercise there.

A) ordinarily

B) variably

C) logically

D) persistentlyB

65.   Although she’s a(n) ________ talented dancer, she still practices several hours every day.

A) traditionally

B) additionally

C) exceptionally

D) rationallyC

66.   The cut in her hand has healed completely, without leaving a ________.

A) defect

B) sign

C) wound

D) scarD

67.   The idea is to ________ the frequent incidents of collision to test the strength of the wind-shields.

A) assemble

B) simulate

C) accumulate

D) forgeC

68.   Most people in the modem world ________ freedom and independence more than anything else.

A) embody

B) cherish

C) fascinate

D) illuminateB

69.   I told him that I would ________ him to act for me while I was away from office.

A) authorize

B) justify

C) rationalize

D) identifyA

70.   Over the past ten years, natural gas production has remained steady, but ________ has risen steadily.

A) dissipation

B) disposal

C) consumption

D) expenditureC







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