


2012-1-2 22:21| 发布者: 韵儿| 查看: 196| 评论: 0

摘要: 笔试部分答题时间:100分钟姓名: 准考证号:   第一部分 听 力   1~20略   第二部分 英语知识运用   第一节 单项填空   从、、和四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项 ...

姓名:           准考证号:

  第一部分   听  力


  第二部分   英语知识运用

  第一节  单项填空


  21. —Are we supposed to take off our shoes before we enter?
  —No, you             .
  [ A ] shouldn ' t                              [ B ] needn ' t
  [ C ] mustn ' t                                [ D ] can' t

  22. Tell him he should stop  __________ and get some sleep.
  [ A ] worry                                    [ B ] worrying
  [ C ] to worry                                 [ D ] from worrying

  23. How are you feeling now? Should I send  __________  the doctor?
  [ A ] off                                      [ B ] to
  [ C ] with                                     [ D ] for

  24. Shanghai is a big city. It is __________  the southeast of China.
  [ A ] in                                       [ B ] at
  [ C ] on                                       [ D ] to

  25. —Can you lend me a pen?
  —Sorry,  __________  .
  [ A ] I haven' t                               [ B ] I haven' t got that
  [ C ] I haven' t got it                        [ D ] I haven' t got one

  26. I' m used to driving in Hong Kong now, but it  __________  hard at the beginning.
  [ A ] was                                      [ B ] is
  [ C ] had been                                 [ D ] has been

  27. These windows need  __________  . Can you do them?
  [ A ] clean                                    [ B ] cleaning
  [ C ] to clean                                 [ D ] cleaned

  28. Did you see the film on  __________   television or at            cinema?
  [ A ] -; the                                   [ B ] a;    -
  [ C ] a; the                                   [ D ] the;  -

  29. If you' re going to the airport by car, can you give me a  __________   ?
  [ A ] lift                                     [ B ] seat
  [ C ] drive                                    [ D ] hand

  30. —Which will you have then, the white one or the blue one?
  —I' ll take __________   to give myself a change sometimes.
  [ A ] one                                      [ B ] two
  [ C ] both                                     [ D ] either

  31. She is a stranger in this village, __________   anyone knows where she came from.
  [ A ] Hardly                                  [ B ] Almost
  [ C ] Never                                   [ D ] Nearly

  32. I was just coming out of the sea after a swim  __________  I stepped on a sharp stone and cut
  my foot.
  [ A ] when                                    [ B ] as
  [ C ] then                                    [ D ] while

  33. I want to buy a new tie to  __________ my brown suit.
  [ A ] agree with                              [ B ] wear
  [ C ] match                                   [ D ] keep with

  34. How nice to see you again! You should have told me you  __________   .
  [ A ] are coming                              [ B ] were coming
  [ C ] will come                               [ D ] have come

  35. Would you be  __________  to lend me your bike tomorrow morning?
  [ A ] as kind as                              [ B ] very kind as
  [ C ] so kind as                              [ D ] very kind so

  第二节  完形填空

  Body language is a personal thing. It says a lot about a person, such as whether he 36  respect for others to whom he is talking, and whether he pays proper   37   to someone else' s ideas.

  Think about your own body language. It is important to pay attention to it. ___38____, when you meet someone, don't stand too  ___39____ . An uncomfortable nearness is very ___40____to the other person, ___41____ keep your physical distance (体距),___42____ he' ll have to keep backing off from you.___43____ , two feet will do.

  Some of the ___44____in which your body will tell the other person you are ___45____carefully  are :

  Sit attentively(专注地) in your chair.___46____you slump(垂头弯腰地坐) down on your backbone, your ___47____straight out in front of you, your body is saying, "I don' t care what you' re  ___48____, I'm not interested. "

  ___49____ the face of the person speaking and do not let your eyes roam(漫游) around. It' s ___50____to give the person speaking your___51____attention.

  Keep your legs ___52____ .Do not keep changing your position. Crossing and uncrossing your knees shows either aching legs or the___53____that you can___54____ wait to get away. It is the way you may feel, but you should certainly.___55____that fact.

  36. [ A ] shows          [ B ] expresses       [ C ] passes         [ D ] proves

  37. [ A ] effort         [ B ] attention       [ C ] thought        [ D ] care

  38. [ A ] In fact        [ B ] At least        [ C ] In general     [ D ] For example

  39. [ A ] long           [ B ] close           [ C ] still          [ D ] straight

  40. [ A ] exciting       [ B ] necessary       [ C ] annoying       [ D ] shameful

  41. [ A ] but            [ B ] yet             [ C ] still          [ D ] so

  42. [ A ] and            [ B ] or              [ C ] when           [ D ] since

  43. [ A ] Normally       [ B ] Especially      [ C ] Gradually      [ D ] Nearly

  44. [ A ] words          [ B ] meanings        [ C ] ways           [ D ] rules       

  45. [ A ] listening      [ B ] looking         [ C ] sitting        [ D ] speaking

  46. [ A ] If             [ B ] Unless          [ C ] Although       [ D ] Since

  47: [ A ] hands          [ B ] chest           [ C ] head           [ D ] legs

  48: [ A ] calling        [ B ] telling         [ C ] shouting       [ D ] saying

  49. [ A ] See            [ B ] Stare at        [ C ] Watch          [ D ] Glance at

  50. [ A ] exact          [ B ] comfortable     [ C ] acceptable     [ D ] polite

  51. [ A ] full           [ B ] extra           [ C ] equal          [ D ] real

  52. [ A ] straight       [ B ] bent            [ C ] low            [ D ] still

  53. [ A ] reason         [ B ] purpose         [ C ] situation      [ D ] fact

  54. [ A ] almost         [ B ] only            [ C ] hardly         [ D ] nearly

  55. [ A ] cover up       [ B ] talk about      [ C ] think over   [ D ] fight against

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