


2012-1-2 21:50| 发布者: 韵儿| 查看: 191| 评论: 0

摘要:   1. According to some doctors and politicians, the amount of salt consumed exhibits as an aggravating factor to people in poor health. cures diseases such as stroke and circulatory disorders. corre ...

  1. According to some doctors and politicians, the amount of salt consumed[A] exhibits as an aggravating factor to people in poor health.[B] cures diseases such as stroke and circulatory disorders.[C] correlates highly with some diseases.[D] is irrelevant to people suffering from heart disease.

  2. From Dr. Dustan's study we can infer that[A] a low-salt diet may be prescribed for some people.[B] the amount of salt intake has nothing to do with one's blood pressure.[C] the reduction of salt intake can cure a hypertensive patient.[D] an extremely low-salt diet makes no difference to anyone.

  3. In the third paragraph, Dr. Laragh implies that[A] people should not be afraid of taking excessive salt.[B] doctors should not advise people to avoid salt.[C] an adequate to excessive salt intake is recommended for people in disease.[D] excessive salt intake has claimed some victims in the general population.

  4. The phrase "vocal ... exponent" (line 2, para. 4) most probably refers to[A] eloquent doctor.[B] articulate opponent.[C] loud speaker.[D] strong advocate.

  5. What is the main message of this text?[A] That the salt scare is not justified.[B] That the cause of hypertension is now understood.[C] That the moderate use of salt is recommended.[D] That salt consumption is to be promoted.

  Part BIn the following article some paragraphs have been removed. For Questions 1 - 5, choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A - F to fit into each of the numbered gaps. There is one paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

  From her vantage point she watched the main doors swing open and the first arrivals pour in. Those who had been at the head of the line paused momentarily on entry, looked around curiously, then quickly moved forward as others behind pressed in. Within moments the central public area of the big branch bank was filled with a chattering, noisy crowd. The building, relatively quiet less than a minute earlier, had become a Babel. Edwina saw a tall heavyset black man wave some dollar bills and declare loudly, "I want to put my money in the bank"1It seemed as if the report about everyone having come to open an account had been accurate after all.Edwina could see the big man leaning back expansively, still holding his dollar bills. His voice cut across the noise of other conversations and she heard him proclaim, "I'm in no hurry. There's something I'd like you to explain."Two other desks were quickly manned by other clerks. With equal speed, long wide lines of people formed in front of them.Normally, three members of staff were ample to handle new account business, but obviously were inadequate now. Edwina could see Tottenhoe on the far side of the bank and called him on the intercom. She instructed, "Use more desks for new accounts and take all the staff you can spare to man them."2Tottenhoe grumbled in reply, "You realize we can't possibly process all these people today, and however many we do will tie us up completely.""I've an idea," Edwina said, "that's what someone has in mind. Just hurry the processing all you can."3First, an application form called for details of residence, employment, social security, and family matters. A specimen signature was obtained. Then proof of identity was needed. After that, the new accounts clerk would take all documents to an officer of the bank for approval and initialing. Finally, a savings passbook was made out or a temporary checkbook issued.Therefore the most new accounts that any bank employee could open in an hour were five, so the three clerks presently working might handle a total of ninety in one business day, if they kept going at top speed, which was unlikely.


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