


2012-1-2 21:37| 发布者: 韵儿| 查看: 235| 评论: 0

摘要:   EXERCISE 28   In 1910 the world was shocked by a particularly cold-blooded murder.H.H.Crippen was _1__ American doctor who worked in London.He was a married __2_,but when he was ___3 in England, ...


  In 1910 the world was shocked by a particularly cold-blooded murder.H.H.Crippen was _1__ American doctor who worked in London.He was a married __2_,but when he was ___3 in England,he fell in love __4_ his secretary.instead of asking his __5_ for a divorce,he killed her and buried __6_ body in the cellar of his house.Then he and his secretary ,who was dressed __7_a boy,sailed on a __8_ called "The Montrose" for New York.Only a very __9_ time before,however,the wireless telegraph __10_ been invented.The Montrose was one the __11_ ships equipped with Marconi's wireless,and the passengers were not __12_ ignorant of its presence on board,but probably did not __13_ know what a "wireless telegraph" __14_.The captain of the ship recognized Crippen and secretary __15_ a message to the London police.An inspector set out in a faster ship,and ___16 up with the Montrose in the Atlantic.__17_ up as a sailor,he boarded the Montrose __18_ they reached New York,and arrested Dr.Crippen.Eighteen months __19_,the British Government passed a law that all passengers ships _20__ carry wireless.

  1) A a B the C an D some

  2) A doctor B husband C person D man

  3) A going B living C coming D studying

  4) A for B to C on D with

  5) A girl B wife C woman D secretary

  6) A a B her C hers D her's

  7) A for B alike C as D unlike

  8) A ship B train C boat D plane

  9) A short B few C long D little

  10) A has B had C was D have

  11) A supply B space C naval D passenger

  12) A actually B only C truly D once

  13) A even B just C indeed D still

  14) A is B has been C was D had been

  15) A gave B offered C sent D took

  16) A kept B caught C went D came

  17) A dressed B clothed C putting D wearing

  18) A after B while C before D when

  19) A later B eariler C sooner D ago

  20) A did B could C might D must


  1--5 CDBDB     6--10 BCAAB       11--15 BACCB     16--20BACAD


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