


2017-10-12 12:53| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 152| 评论: 0

摘要: 英语演讲稿:我的未来是光明的  我的未来是光明的 My Future Will Be Bright  I have a belief deep down within my heart that my future will be bright.  My future will be bright with all my loving fam ...

  我的未来是光明的 My Future Will Be Bright

  I have a belief deep down within my heart that my future will be bright.

  My future will be bright with all my loving families. Whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, they are always standing by my side.

  My future will be bright with all the close and caring friends of mine. Whenever I am sad and down, I know they would hold my hands and warm my heart.

  My future will be bright with the belief in brighter days. Life doesn’t always play by rules, and we must face the fact that there are days that things could be better. But I have a belief which see me through the dark times.

  I have a belief that joys once lost can always be found.

  I have a belief that there is rainbows after every storm.

  I have a belief that in the long run, my efforts will give back as much as I give, without a doubt.

  This belief gives me hope that is as certain as sun when the world seems to be wearing a frown.

  It is a steady and joyful light in my life.

  It is a blessing I continue to count on through the years.

  It is a light that will shine in me until the end of time.

  It is a treasure a million times more valuable than the ones some people spend a lifetime trying to find.

  Now, my dear friends, carry the sun inside you, and reach out for the dreams that guide you where you want to go. You have what it takes to make your path of succe.You have the courage and strength to see things through. You have the smile that will guide you to the beautiful tomorrows.

  So, with so much to be thank for, I believe that my future will be bright, and I believe that our future will be bright!


  nowadays, the controversial issue of cloning has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. it’s quite understandable that the views of this issue vary from person to person.

  some people are in favour of cloning, who firmly believe that scientists can bring the extinct animals back to life by cloning. it’s indisputable that cloning is a great process to produce quantities of commercial plants as well as new species of plants.

  however, the cloning of the sheep dolly attracted public’s attention but arouse a storm of objections. for instance, if heaps and heaps of evil leaders like hillary attempt to clone themselves, a disaster will break out in the world. in addition, the objectors insist that cloning has a huge impact on genetic diversity.

  as for me, i suggest that cloning plays an important role on improving our quality of life. needless to say, that cloning is an effective access to cure serious illnesses that at present have no cure. what’s more, not only can cloning assist us to acquire unknown knowledge about the creature, but it also is a wonderful breakthrough. thought now there are lots of questions about cloning, by no means should we give in to the unsolved problems.





大学生英语演讲稿: The Return Day of Hong Kong
2017学生英语演讲稿(2) | 返回目录
  on july 1st, 1997, this day was a very meaningful day for every chinese. on this special day, after great britain had occupied it for 155 years and japan had occupied it during the world war ii, hong kong has finally returned to our motherland, china.

  in 1842, after the government of qing dynasty had lost battle for great britain, china had to sign an unfair contract, the treaty of nanking with the england. according to the contract, hong kong would be ruled by the great britain for 99 years.

  deng xiaoping, who had made great contribution to the return of hong kong, first put forward the policy “one country, two systems”, try to rule the country by this way. the history has proved that we walk on the right path. under the one country two-system policy, the whole country develops fast and stable.

  this year is the 17th year after hong kong has returned to china. the history has told us that lagging behind, you’ll be bullied and humiliated. we should look into the future, but never forget about the past. try our best to build our country into a strong and prosper one.





2017学生英语演讲稿(3) | 返回目录

good afternoon! my dear teachers and friends. my name is li wenwen.i’m fourteen years old.in class 8,grade 1.

different people has different dreams. someone wants to be a doctor. someone wants to be a basketball player,because he is good at sports. someone wants to be a writer, because he likes writing. someone wants to be a teacher because he likes teaching children.

what do i want to do when i’m older?

you see,i like playing the piano and i am good at it. so i want to become a piano player.(pianist). playing the piano is very interesting. and you can learn something of music. piano can make your life beautiful and happy. your life is full of music. a lot of musicians and singers love playing the pianos.

i could play the piano when i was ten years old. all of my teachers and my classmates say i can play the piano very well.  i have got grand five . i hope when i’m sixteen years old , i can get grand eight.

now i’m a middle school student. there are many things at school. sometimes ,i have no time to play the piano. but,i’ll still be harder and harder to practise.the youngest pianoist, langlang is my idol. he is such a great pianoist.i hope i can be a pianoist like him.

i know becoming a piano is a hard job. but i believe i can do it. there is a will, there is a way. my dream will come ture one day. believe me! thank you!

大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿:Make a change
2017学生英语演讲稿(4) | 返回目录
  good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen! i’m very glad for being here on this beautiful friday evening to share my thoughts with all of you on the topic of“make a change”. first of all,i really want to ask two questions: what is change,how to make a change.

  change is what keeps us fresh,change is what keeps us young,change is what keeps us from getting stale and stuck in a rut. i’d like to share a famous saying of gandhi with all of you,what is, if you want to change the world, then you must change yourself first. actually, we cannot change the past, but we can change the present, we cannot change the fact, but we can change our manner, we cannot change the weather, but we can change our mood, we cannot change life’s length, but we can change life’s width. never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. if you don’t like the taste of your life, just change the ingredients.

  time files! only once can we live. if you don’t want to leave any regret. let’s start right now to make a change. we must realize that it is never too late to begin making changes that can change our life. the moral to it is to change what you see and don’t like. don’t just sit there and think of how sad the place is. make a change for the better. don’t wait for the right time. there isn’t one.there is never a perfect time.just time. today always beats tomorrow. today is the only day we have. tomorrow is only a promise and may never come. dream for tomorrow but live for today. make your changes and do it now. life makes no guarantees as to what you’ll have. it just give you time to make changes, and to take chances, and to discover what secrets might come your way. it is an honor to stand here and have this chance to say that we are the ones who can make a change and let a brighter day come.

  that’s all.thanks for your time!





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