


2017-9-27 13:24| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 141| 评论: 0

摘要: 高中生《女神》读书笔记  篇一  我很喜欢《女神》的作着在诗中反复出现的“自我抒情主人公形象”的创作个性。也许,《女神》的成功就在于诗人的大胆的创作个性及当时社会的需要吧。  《女神》中自我抒情主人公 ...












  可 是现实却是如此残酷,即使有无数个青年同你一样,在对崭新的世界不懈地追求,即使有无数个诗人也在赞颂希望,即使那些麻木的人在渐渐苏醒,即使,即使……但那些坚固的腐朽之墙岂能让你轻易推翻?然而,一个有梦想的人怎么会被现实轻易地打倒?乌云遮不住你炽热的理想,狂风刮不走你坚定的信念,暴雨浇不熄你燃烧着的希望。所以,你没有放弃,也决不会绝望,你说我们可以像女神一样,即使共工与颛顼斗得你死我活,折天柱,绝地维,但是圣洁的女神仍旧在黑暗与混乱中执著地追求光明,执著地造了一个新的太阳,是的,一个新的太阳。那么中国,中国文化,中国思想不也可以这样吗?当它们变得更先进,更有生命力,就可以同太阳一样,把每一缕阳光洒在每一个黑暗的角落,让昏睡的人觉醒,让懦弱的人坚强,让绝望的人看见希望……


英语名著读书笔记 Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone

  recently i have read a book named harry potter and the philosopher’s stone. it is a magical novel written by the english writer, j.k.rowline. because of the interesting story and the lively description, it is very popular to the readers all over the world. while reading the book, i was touched deeply. now i write it down and keep it as a reminder.

  harry potter, a great man, was born with a scar looking like a lightning as a sign of fighting with voldemort, the most frightful bad wizard who killed harry’s parents. harry’s parents tried their best to protect him from voldemort. at that night, harry’s parents died, voldemort was hurt seriously and harry survived as a legend. the scar indicates the fierceness of the fighting and the greatness of love. because his parents both died, he was adopted by his aunt. his aunt’s family felt very bad about harry who came from a wizard family and his brother-in-law , dudley, who was spoiled badly by harry’s uncle and aunt, always bullied him, so harry’s childhood was very miserable, and he had to live his birthday alone each year. just like this, harry grew up to 11 years old.

  on harry’s 11-years-old birthday, an unusual thing happened and changed his life. he received an admission letter from the magic school, hogwarts. then hagrid, the keeper of keys and grounds at hogwarts, told him how his parents died , and then brought him to diagon alley, the market for wizards. harry bought some necessary things for school there and started to find himself very famous. after the surprising experience, harry couldn’t wait going to school.

  on the correct day, harry came to the magic school which looked like an ancient castle. to harry’s happiness, he made friends with a kind boy named ron weasley and a clever girl named hermione granger. but there was a boy named draco malfoy who was prideful and always picked a quarrel with harry. compared with staying in the aunt’s house, harry was much happier in school. he started to learn the magic which he never knew before and learned how to fly in the sky, how to use the basic conjuration, and even how to play the quidditch game. besides these things, harry received an invisibility cloak, the possession of his father, which made him free to any place.

  but behind the peaceful situation, there seemed to be some kind of secret and horrible power around harry. the scar on his forehead hurt more and more frequently and painfully than any time before. harry, ron and hermione accidently found a big dog with three heads in a chamber on the third floor. the bank for wizards, gringotts, which was the safest place except hogwarts, was stolen. the

  teacher of defence against the dark arts class, quirrel, always wore a big scarf on his head with no reason and made very disgusting smell. at last, harry, ron and hermione happened to find the secret that the philosopher’s stone which could relive voldemort was hidden in the chamber which the big dog with three heads was watching and doubt that professor severus snape would steal it for voldemort. so they hurried to the chamber and found the big dog sleeping with music. being more sure that someone wanted to steal the philosopher’s stone to relive voldemort, they kept on looking for it. with ron’s and hermione’s help, harry overcame all kinds of obstacles and finally came to the place alone where the philosopher’s stone was hidden. to harry‘s surprise, the person who wanted to steal the philosopher’s stone for vordemort was not professor severus snape but poor stuttering professor quirrel .what was more horrible that professor quirrel had two faces, one for himself and the other for vordemort ,and that was why he always wore a big scarf on his head. vordemort lived off professor quirrel’s body and controlled him. at the last moment, harry got the philosopher’s stone and almost lost his life to protect it from being used by voldemort. fortunately, the president of hogwarts, dumbledore, came in time, saved harry and destroyed the stone. because of the brave action, harry and his friends won great honor from the school.

  there is a proverb in china saying that ‘difficulty is like a spring. if you are strong, then it is weak. but if you are weak, then it is strong.’ facing all kinds of difficulties, harry didn’t run away from them but chose to conquer them bravely. he was the winner of life. life without difficulty dose not exist . it just likes that river without rock dose not exist. but because of the rock, the river can sing and looks more interesting. because of the difficulty, the life is more worthy to respect and experience. after reading the book, we should learn the integrity and bravery from harry potter. success belongs to the person who insists on his dream and never gives in to the difficulties. let’s strive together!







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