


2017-9-15 14:09| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 321| 评论: 0

摘要: 2017雅思写作论题分析:政府是否应限制极限运动【政府类】  Some people think the government should ban dangerous sports and some others think it is a freedom to choose the activities we want to. Discus ...


  Some people think the government should ban dangerous sports and some others think it is a freedom to choose the activities we want to. Discuss both view and give your opinion. 有人认为政府应该限制危险性的运动,有人认为人人有权利选择自己喜爱的运动。讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。(2011年7月30日 = 2014年8月9日)



  【作家立场】 人生没有冒险就不能称其为人生(支持极限运动)。


  首段:背景介绍 + 作家立场



  尾段:再次亮明观点 + 提出建议


  ① 极限运动危险运动的类型:

  1. bungee jumping n蹦极

  2. paragliding n跳伞

  3. surfing n海上冲浪

  4. scuba-diving = deep sea diving n 深海潜水

  5. rock climbing n攀岩

  ② 极限运动之多元表达:

  1. run the risk of doing sth v冒险做……

  2. dangerous sports activities n危险性体育运动

  3. challenging sports events n充满挑战性的竞技体育

  4. extreme adventures n极限运动

  5. extreme sports n极限运动

  ③ 支持极限运动:

  1. forge one’s fortitude v铸造人的坚韧性

  2. chasten one’s tenacity v 磨练人的顽强

  3. foster one’s frustration toleration v培养人的挫折忍受能力

  4. If they are banned,then many sports would go underground. 如果被限制,很多体育项目会消失。

  5. surpass oneself v 超越自我

  ④ 反对极限运动:

  1. suffer from injuries or even deaths v 遭遇伤害甚至死亡

  2. become an excuse for violence v成为暴力的借口

  ⑤ 作家立场:

  1. Greater attempts should be made to prevent accidents or injuries v 我们应该做出努力预防以外事故和伤害

  2. ensure sports are challenging, exciting and amusing v 确保运动是充满挑战,令人兴奋,使人愉快的。


  {首段}:背景介绍 + 作家立场

  Such is human nature to explore the unknown. A trend is that numerous people are keen on embarking on challenging sports events such as mountain biking, rock climbing or scuba diving , especially among those dynamic young adults. My stand is that we should pursue excitement and sense of refreshment in the dull routine daily life. After all, life without risk is no life at all.

  【解析】:Life without risk is no life at all 人生没有冒险就不能称其为人生。


  Granted, many virtues could be gained via undertaking those risky sports activities. Primarily, the extreme adventures can be taken as an effective way to help players relieve their pressure and vent their negative emotions, for the occupied modern life often deprives one’s right of seeking relaxation. The popularity of bungee jumping accounts for risky sports’ significant function in terms of reducing stress. Imaginably, one’s working efficiency could be highly enhanced after doing his or her favorite sports events. Moreover, not only can the extreme adventures exert wholesome impacts , but it also could foster one’s skills, chasten one’s tenacity and forge one’s frustration toleration. Some extreme adventures, such as rock climbing and surfing, requires high techniques or much stamina . Ultimately, the extreme adventures could be developed into tempting tourism items, which could generate immense economic value.


  1.The extreme adventures can be taken as an effective way to help players relieve their pressure and vent their negative emotions. 极限运动是一种很好的方式去帮助运动者缓解压力,释放不良情绪。

  2. It also could foster one’s skills, chasten one’s tenacity and forge one’s frustration toleration. 极限运动同意可以培养人的技能,磨练人的坚韧,铸造人的挫折忍受能力。


  Nonetheless, problems invariably ensue. One possible downside is that some perilous sports activities might become the roots of injuries and agonies. There exist high levels of injuries, which sometimes disables players and even ruins their lives. Another adverse aspect is that some intense extreme sports are merely an excuse for violence. To illustrate, boxing involves excessive violence and bloody contents so that it adversely influences adolescent Television viewers, namely, it might arouse their sadistic impulses.


  1. Some intense extreme sports are merely an excuse for violence. 一些极限运动也许会成为暴力的借口。

  2. It might arouse their sadistic impulses. 极限运动也许会诱发一个人施虐的冲动。

  {尾段}:再次亮明观点 + 提出建议

  Personally, I encourage the extreme adventures, for it symbolizes freedom, so it is citizens’ elementary right to opt for his or her favorite sports activities. Attempts should be made to ensure risky sports events are thrilling, amusing and profit-making, however, to prevent accidents and injuries is highly recommended(328)


  Attempts should be made to ensure risky sports events are thrilling, amusing and profit-making. 我们应该做出努力去保证极限运动是刺激的、有趣的、盈利的。



  The Olympic Game or the World Cup football game is a major international sporting event and the opportunity to host this event is keenly contested by many counties. In your opinion, what are the major benefits and drawbacks of hosting an international sporting event such as the Olympic Games? 奥林匹克运动会或者世界杯足球场是重要的国际体育比赛,很多国家都在争取主办国的机会,你认为举办国际性体育比赛的利弊有哪些?


  Some countries achieve international success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?有人认为训练专业的体育运动员比提供人人可以使用的体育设施更能帮助国家取得成功,你认为这个观点是积极的还是消极的?(2014年7月10日雅思写作)


  首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场



  尾段:再次亮明观点 + (对弊端提出解决建议)


  【思路拓展】 利好的展开:

  1. 健康角度:对于举办国而言,国际性体育比赛的主办会激发全民健身热情,提高国民基本素质及健康指数。2008年北京成功举办奥运会,就是很好的例证。

  2. 教育角度:竞技体育比赛中传递的精神对于民众有教育意义。例如,不断自我超越、不懈追求完美、团队合作精神等。

  3. 经济角度:对于举办国家而言,这是一个很好的盈利契机。例如,门票收入,纪念品销售,旅游收入,赞助商收入等。

  4. 文化交流:举办国际体育比赛可有助于文化的多元性以及增强各国的交流。

  5. 心理角度:这是激发爱国热情及增强民族的自豪感的契机。

  【思路拓展】 弊端的展开:

  1. 经济角度:举办国际性体育塞事是奢侈的行为,我们有更加紧迫的民生问题需要政府优先考虑,因为有限的资源和无限的民生需求是矛盾的。

  2. 环境角度:大量的游客的涌入会破坏当地的自然环境,这会给当地人的生活带来烦恼,给主办国带来压力。



  1. to bid for the international sports events v申办国际体育比赛

  2. to host international sports competition v主办国际性体育比赛

  3. the host country n主办国

  4. has become a huge undertaking v成为伟大的事业

  解析:undertaking n含有风险性的事业

  5. to enhance the host country’s reputation in the international arena v提高一个国家在国际舞台的美誉度。

  解析:international arena n 国际舞台

  7. attract global interest and attention v 吸引了全球的兴趣和关注

  7. Stadium and gymnasiums could be utilized as hot tourism resources to achieve profitability, Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center is a good case in point. 室外运动场和室内运动馆可以被利用,作为热门的旅游资源来赚钱,青岛奥帆基地就是很好的例子。

  解析:stadium n. 露天大型运动场

  解析:gymnasiums n.健身房;体育馆

  8. An additional economic benefit is the possible profit generated by the sale of TV rights, accommodations, ticket sales and visitor expenditure. 另外的利好就是由电视转播,食宿,门票销售和旅游参观带来的利润。

  词汇:sponsor v.赞助;sponsorship n.赞助

  9. Hosting the international sports events is a splendid opportunity to ease one’s patriotic emotion,strengthen one’s national pride and solidarity. 举办国际体育比赛是很好的契机缓解爱国情绪,以及增强民族自豪感和团结。

  解析:ease one’s patriotic emotion v缓解爱国情绪

  解析:strengthen one’s national pride and solidarity v 增强民族自豪感和团结

  10. It can, to a large extent, kindle and stimulate the citizens’ passion of building up physique and thus enhance people’s health index and promote the basic quality of a nation’s population. 这可以很大程度上点燃和激发全民健身的热情,因此,提高国民基本素质及健康指数。

  ② 反对国家举办体育比赛:

  1. Due the fact that preparations can be extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming,therefore,hosting international sports events sounds more of a huge waste of money and other resources to some people. 对于一些人而言,举办国际体育赛事听起来是金钱和其他资源的浪费,事实上,准备工作是非常消耗时间和精力的。

  2. Inevitably, preparing the international athletic events will impose much pressure upon the host country economically while every nation has numerous social issues that need financial support from the public purse. 不可避免地,准备国际体育比赛会给主办国带来很多经济压力,而每一个国家都有需要政府支持的社会问题有待解决。

  3. Football hooligans or terrorists might deliberately make some sensational nuisance. 足球流氓和恐怖分子也许会故意制造一些耸人听闻的麻烦事。


  {首段}背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

  The opportunity of biding for the international sports events is keenly contested by numerous countries. To host global sports events such as World Cup football game or the Olympic Game actually have become huge undertaking. People have been debating the pros and cons of becoming the host country without reaching definite agreement. This essay aims to prove that the merits of hosting international athletic events outweigh the potential downsides.

  解析:The merits of hosting international athletic events outweigh the potential downsides 举办国际性体育赛事利大于弊。


  Indeed, many merits could be gained via holding international sports activities. One of the most positive aspects is that it will attract global interest and attention, thereby, it will become a golden chance for the host country to gain great amounts of foreign currency. Stadium and gymnasiums could be utilized as hot tourism resources to achieve profitability, Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center is a good case in point. Another merit deriving from hosting sports events is that sports competition could be a splendid opportunity to ease one’s patriotic emotion,strengthen one’s national pride and solidarity. All the people will pride themselves on their motherlands when seeing their players win the gold medal. Eventually, to host sports competition could kindle and stimulate the citizens’ passion in building up physique and thus enhance people’s health index and promote the basic quality of a nation’s population.

  解析:All the people will pride themselves on their motherlands when seeing their players win the gold medal 当看到本国选手获得金牌的时候,所有人都会为祖国自豪。


  Yet, the same knife cuts bread and fingers. On no account can we ignore the adverse impacts triggered by holding global athletic competition. For a start, preparing the international athletic events will inevitably impose much pressure upon the host country economically while every nation has numerous social issues that need financial support from the public purse. Even worse, a large proportion of tourists coming from home or abroad will unavoidably ruin the natural environment and thus bring a huge burden the host country.

  解析:The same knife cuts bread and fingers 凡事皆有利弊。

  解析:Every nation has numerous social issues that need financial support from the public purse. 每个国家都有很多社会问题需要来自国库的财政支持。


  In brief, I re-affirm my conviction that although hosting international sports events might cause some problems,we can never underrate its immense advantages. What we can do is to budget carefully and strengthen efforts in terms of security and greenism.

  解析:What we can do is to budget carefully and strengthen efforts in terms of security and greenism. 我们应该做到的就是周密地制定预算,加强在安保和环保方面的努力。












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