


2015-6-15 15:41| 发布者: ayawei| 查看: 50| 评论: 0

摘要: 2015年6月13日雅思考试阅读真题回忆  Passage 1   题材:农业类   新旧情况:旧题   题型:人名配对4+判断6+选择题3   文章大意:   澳大利亚甘蔗sugarcane   部分答案回忆:   配对题   甘蔗对环 ...

  Passage 1


















  Passage 2



  题目:European Heat Wave




  EuropeanHeat Wave

  A It was the summer, scientists now realize,when felt. We knew that summer 2003 was remarkable: global warming at last madeitself unmistakably Britain experienced its record high temperature andcontinental Europe saw forest fires raging out of control, great rivers dryingof a trickle and thousands of heat related deaths. But just how remarkable isonly now becoming clean.

  B The three months of June, July and Augustwere the warmest ever recorded in western and central Europe, with recordnational highs in Portugal, Germany and Switzerland as well as Britain. Andthey were the warmest by a very long way Over a great rectangular block of theearth stretching from west of Paris to northern Italy, taking in Switzerlandand southern Germany, the average temperature for the summer months was 3.78℃ above thelong-term norm, said the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of EastAnglia in Norwich, which is one of the world’s lending institutions for themonitoring and

  analysis of temperature records.

  C That excess might not seem a lot until youare aware of the context-but then you realise it is enormous. There is nothinglike this in previous data, anywhere. It is considered so exceptional thatProfessor Phil Jones, the CRU’s director, is prepared to say openly-in a wayfew scientists have done before that the 2003 extreme may be directlyattributed, not to natural climate variability, but to global warming caused byhuman actions.

  D Meteorologists have hitherto contentedthemselves with the formula that recent high temperatures are consistent withpredictions” of climate change. For the great block of the map-that stretchingbetween 35-50N and 0-20E-the CRU has reliable temperature records dating backto 1781. Using as a baseline the average summer temperature recorded between1961 andl990, departures from the temperature norm, or “anomalies’: over thearea as a whole can easily be plotted. As the graph shows, such is thevariability of our climate that over the past 200 years, there have been atleast half a dozen anomalies, in terms of excess temperature-the peaks on thegraph denoting very hot years approaching, or even exceeding, 20 ℃ . But therehas been nothing remotely like 2003,when the anomaly is nearly four degrees.

  E“Thisis quite remarkable,” Professor Jones told The Independent. “It’s very unusualin a statistical sense. If this series had a normal statistical distribution,you wouldn’t get this number. There turn period “how often it could be expectedto recur” would be something like one in a thou-sand years. If we look at anexcess above the average of nearly four degrees, then perhaps nearly threedegrees of that is natural variability, because we’ve seen that in pastsummers. But the final degree of it is likely to be due to global warming,caused by human actions.

  F The summer of 2003 has, in a sense, been onethat climate scientists have long been expecting. Until now, the warming hasbeen manifesting itself mainly in winters that have been less cold than insummers that have been much hotter. Last week, the United Nations predictedthat winters were warming so quickly that winter sports would die out inEurope’s lower-level ski resorts. But sooner or later the unprecedented hotsummer was bound to come, and this year it did.

  G One of the most dramatic features of thesummer was the hot nights, especially in the first half of August. In Paris,the temperature never dropped below 230 ℃ (73.40 ℉ ) atall between 7 and 14August, and the city recorded its warmest-ever night on11-12 August, when the mercury did not drop below 25.50 ℃ (77.90 ℉ ). Germanyrecorded its warmest-ever night at Weinbiet in the Rhine valley with a lowestfigure of 27.60℃ (80.60 ℉ ) on 13 August, and similar record-breaking nighttimetemperatures were recorded in Switzerland and Italy.

  H The 15,000 excessdeaths in France during August, compared with previous years, have been relatedto the high night-time temperatures. The number gradually increased during thefirst 12days of the month, peaking at about 2,000 per day on the night of 12-13August, then fell off dramatically after 14 August when the minimumtemperatures fell by about 50C. The elderly were most affected, with a 70 percent increase in mortality rate in those aged 75-94. I For Britain, the yearas a whole is likely to be the warmest ever recorded, but despite the hightemperature record on 10 August, the summer itself defined as the June, Julyand August period-still comes behind 1976 and 1995, when there were longerperiods of intense heat. At the moment, the year is on course to be thethird-hottest ever in the global temperature record,which goes back to 1856, behind1998 and 2002 but when all the records for October, November and December arecollated, it might move into second place, Professor Jones said. The 10 hottestyears in the record have all now occurred since 1990. Professor Jones is in nodoubt about the astonishing nature of European summer of 2003.”The temperaturesrecorded were out of all proportion to the previous record,” he said. “It wasthe warmest summer in the past 500 years and probably way beyond that It wasenormously exceptional.”

  J His colleagues at the University of EastAnglia’s Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research are now planning a specialstudy of it. “It was a summer that has not: been experienced before, either interms of the temperature extremes that were reached, or the range and diversityof the impacts of the extreme heat,” said the centre’s executive director,Professor Mike Hulme. “It will certainly have left its mark on a number ofcountries, as to how they think and plan for climate change in the future, muchas the 2000 floods have revolutionised the way the Government is thinking aboutflooding in the UK.“ The 2003 heat wave will have similar repercussions acrossEurope.”

  Questions 14-19

  Do the following statements agree with the informationgiven in Reading Passage 2? In boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet, write T/F/NG

  14 The average summer temperature in 2003 isapproximately four degrees higher than that of the past.

  15 Jones believes the temperature statistic is within thenormal range.

  16Human factor is one of the reasons that caused hot summer. 17 In large city,people usually measure temperature twice a day. 18 Global warming has obviouseffect of warmer winter instead of hotter summer before 2003. 19 New skiresorts are to be built on a high-altitude spot.

  Questions 20-21

  Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSAND/OR NUMBERS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes20-21 on your answer sheet.

  20 What are the two hottest years in Britain besides2003?

  21 What will affect UK government policies besidesclimate change according to Hulme?

  Questions 22-26

  Complete the summary below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDSfrom the passage. Write your answers in boxes 22-26 On your answer sheet.

  In the summer of 2003, thousands of extra death occurredin the country of 22………… . Moreover, world-widely, the third record of hottestsummer date from 23……………. , after the year of 24………… . According to Jones, allthe 10 hottest years happened from 25………… . However, summer of 2003 was at thepeak of previous 26…………. years, perhaps even more.

  Question 27

  Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D Write your answerin box 27 on your answer sheet

  27 Which one can be best served as the title of thispassage in the following options?

  A Global Warming effect

  B Global Warming in Europe

  C The Effects of hot temperature

  D Hottest summer in Europe


  14 True

  15 False

  16 True

  17 Not given

  18 True

  19 Not given

  20 1976 and 1995

  21 2000 floods

  22 France

  23 1856

  24 1998 and 2002

  25 1990

  26 500

  27 D

  Passage 3



  题目:Medical Package Design







  Child prevention的一些特殊设计并没有减少药品误食的情况




  非处方药(over-the-counter)的设计:一开始由不太专业的人设计。有了初步认识之后,交给marketingteam设计,其中several designs是有engineering group设计的,最终test on customers。

  处方药(prescription-only)是由in-company designer设计的,后来是professional team设计的。







  C. 让人们在买药的时候注意一些事情







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