


2015-6-9 16:14| 发布者: ayawei| 查看: 92| 评论: 0

摘要: 雅思阅读材料:GDP真的不值得关注吗?  一本新书把全球经济的问题归咎于GDP统计数据,似乎与GDP相关的一切都是那么功利与不堪。对于经济增长的测算真的不再重要了吗?让我们来看看现实吧。   If you divided up al ...


  If you divided up all the wealth and income in the world evenlyand, somehow in the process, the global economy remained asefficient as it is today, each person would earn about $10,000per year and have $34,500 in wealth. In other words, everyonein the world would be in poverty, at least by the U.S.government’s definition of the term.


  This is the sort of basic math you would hope someone would do if he were imagining a globaleconomic revolution. It’s the sort of basic math Dirk Philipsen, economic historian author of thenew volume, “The Little Big Number: How GDP Came to Rule the World and What to Do about It,”doesn’t do. And the book–and its readers–suffer greatly for this omission.


  Though Philipsen admits that “no system in history” can compete with capitalism in terms of “theamount of wealth and freedom created,” he argues it’s time to leave capitalism behind, or at leasttransform it so radically so as to leave it unrecognizable.



  Philipsen’s argument against our current economic system is a familiar one. He argues that theglobal economy’s obsession with growth has left people in the rich world overworked andoverstressed, focused on material acquisition and career advancement that doesn’t actually makeus happy. The poor, meanwhile, spend each day fighting for basic survival, despite the fact thatthe world “has more than enough material goods to go around.” This claim goes unsubstantiated.


  Perhaps most worryingly of all, the author argues, constant economic growth simply isn’tenvironmentally sustainable. Before long, all this growth is going to lead to so much resourcedepletion that it will leave future generations much poorer than we are today.


  The above points, while not original, are important for all of us to take seriously. Any capitalist whohopes to see his economic system continue into the future must grapple with the system’s manyflaws and help to fix them, even if he doesn’t agree with Philipsen’s diagnoses of the magnitude ofcapitalism’s defects. The irredeemable flaw of Philipsen’s book is that he conflates his criticism ofthe capitalist system with one statistic–GDP– that we use to understand the system. He writes:


  Our most important performance measure [GDP] says nothing about whether quality of life isimproving, or even if our activities are viable. It only tells us about how much stuff was produced,and how much money has exchanged hands. As a result, cultures around the world promote,quite literally, blind and mindless growth–and increasingly dangerous growth. And they do solargely of what they subjectively want.


  This analysis gets it exactly backwards. Modern economies growth because it happens to be thething we (mostly) all agree on, not because economists like Simon Kuznets helped invent a way tomeasure it 70 years ago. That’s because when growth goes well, it is an unalloyed good. We’ve allheard the aphorism, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” While this saying sounds true in itshard-headed realism, it’s actually often not. In fact, productivity growth has created more freelunches than can be counted.It is like a simple machine in physics, a force that enables us to createmore with the same amount of effort.


  Capitalism, of course, can sometimes be a pernicious force. Economic growth can sometimes comeat the cost of environmental degridation or human exploitation rather than innovation. But thesolution to these problems is not to stop measuring economic growth, but to create economicincentives, like carbon taxes or laws against child labor, that can address these problems.


  Philipsen compares his effort to wean us off GDP with the revolution in baseball statistics called the“sabermetrics” movement, most famously documented in Michael Lewis’Moneyball. The movementargued that traditional statistics like batting averages and runs batted in didn’t accurately measurethe value of a hitter, and that other statistics like on-base percentage and slugging percentagewere better gauges. The difference between baseball and the global economy is, however, that inbaseball there is a clearly defined goal: score more runs than the other team. A player with a highon-base percentage will, on average, help your team score more runs than a player with a highbatting average.


  But there is no equivalent to “score more runs than the other team” in the global economy.Philipsen writes that, “the basic assumption of this book [is that] the sole object of our effortsshould be to sustain and expand human well-being, not simply to promote income or growth.”


  But what is well-being? Phillipsen knows what he thinks is well-being. He values things like theequitable distribution of resources, the environment, and direct democracy. But there are otherreasonable things to value, like material wealth, self actualization through hard work, and the prideof ownership. Philipsen, who at one point in his book suggests that our descendents will view landownership the same way we view chattel slavery today, obviously doesn’t think so.


  The governments that track GDP can’t afford to ignore the large portion of the human populationwho disagree with Philipsen. And people, left or right, like getting richer. More importantly, theywant their government to respond when the economy contracts and jobs disappear.


  Furthermore, Philipsen himself admits that the economics profession has no lack of alternativeindicators for human progress, like the Genuine Progress Indicator, which capture things that GDPmisses, including environmental degradation and economic inequality. Nor is there a lack of publicattention to these issues. Despite Philipsen’s protestations to the contrary, the Democratic Partyhere in the U.S.–which has won the majority of votes in five of the six past presidentialelections–has made issues like economic inequality and early childhood education major planks inits platform.


  Capitalism and economic growth are more than a century older than GDP. We invented thestatistic, and closely track it, because economic growth is important to most people on the planet.We are not what we measure, but measure what we are.


  omission n. 疏忽,遗漏;省略;冗长

  unrecognizable adj. 未被承认的;无法认出的

  obsession n. 痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理] 强迫观念

  magnitude n. 大小;量级;[地震] 震级

  irredeemable adj. 不能赎回的;[金融] 不能兑现的;不可救药的

  aphorism n. 格言;警句

  degridation n.恶化; 堕落; 潦倒; 毁坏

  exploitation n. 开发,开采;利用;广告推销

  equitable adj. 公平的,公正的;平衡法的








  相对来说,在5大主流题型中,选择题和其它匹配题较费时。选择题定位往往没问题,但要花很多时间分析所定位的句子和选项;而其它匹配题则可能要花很多时间来定位。所以,笔者认为考生如果碰到这类题,应该把他们放到后面再解决。在所有的主流题型中,考生应该优先考虑表格填空和告知定位的SUMMARY,因为有句谚语说得好:“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”其次应该优先考虑的是标题匹配题,因为标题匹配完成后,全文的大部分内容已经很熟悉了,为后面答题省去了许多时间。








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