


2015-5-21 17:02| 发布者: ayawei| 查看: 77| 评论: 0

摘要: 2015年英语四级阅读材料:小满  【节日文化】小满(grain buds)是二十四节气之一,夏季的第二个节气。其含义是夏熟作物的籽粒开始灌浆饱满,但还未成熟,只是小满,还未大满。每年5月20日到22日之间视太阳到达黄经6 ...

  【节日文化】小满(grain buds)是二十四节气之一,夏季的第二个节气。其含义是夏熟作物的籽粒开始灌浆饱满,但还未成熟,只是小满,还未大满。每年5月20日到22日之间视太阳到达黄经60°时为小满。

  The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24solar terms. Grain Buds, (Chinese: 小满), the 8th solar term of a year, begins on May 21 this year,and ends on June 5. It means that the seeds from the grain are becoming full but are not ripe.

  In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production.But the solar term culture is still useful today to guide people’s lives through special foods, culturalceremonies, gardening and even healthy living tips that correspond witheach solar term. Let’ssee what we can do during the "Grain Buds" period.


  1. A good season for eating fish

  During the Grain Buds period, the summer harvest is about to begin. A saying about rain duringthis time mentions, "A heavy rainfall makes the river full." Because of the great increase in rainfall,rivers are full of water, which makes fish and shrimp big and fat. This is a good time to eat fish andshrimp. It is also harvest season for fishermen.


  2. A good season for eating mulberries

  A Chinese farmer proverb says, "Mulberries become black during the Grain Buds period." Thus it isa good season to eat mulberries.


  3. Eating herb of common sow thistle

  Grain Buds is a season for eating the herb of the common sow thistle, which is one of the earliestedible potherbs in China.

  It tastes a little bitter and tart, but also sweet. It has the function of cooling the blood anddetoxifying the body. It can be made into different types of dishes. People in Ningxia like to eat itblended with salt, vinegar, peppers or garlic. It tastes savory and helps people feel refreshed. Somepeople boil the herb with water and then squeeze out the juice, which can be used to make soup.

  4. Tips on health preserving in Grain Buds

  High temperatures and humidity are common during the Grain Buds period. The increase intemperature over this season may also give rise to nettle rash, rheumatism, sweat spots,eczema and other skin diseases.

  It is also important to exercise to keep healthy during the hot summer days. Walking, jogging andpracticing tai chi are popular.

  5. Key period for flower management

  This time is a good period of the quick growth of flowers. It is also a season when plant diseasesand pests are at an all-time high, which makes growing flowers even more critical.

  Flower trimming and clipping is important. And a systematic fertilized water system should becarried out. Flowers need a lot of water and extra care to ensure the plants remain healthy.Weeding should be done as they grow quickly and have to be extirpated in order to keep the soilloose and from competing with the flowers for nutrients.


  6. Celebrating silkworm deity birthday

  Silkworm rearing is a traditional byproduct for people in regions south of the Yangtze River. Duringthe Grain Buds season, silkworms have cocooned. People begin to cook cocoons and prepare thespinning wheel for reeling silk.

  People in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces regard this season as the birthday of the silkworm deity.Those who engage in the silk industry thank the deity by offering sacrifices and stagingperformances. They pray to the deity for blessings and a boom season for the silk business.(英文文本 via China Daily)

  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. correspond with 与…通信, 与…相一致,切合

  2. mulberries 桑葚

  3. sow thistle n. 苣苦菜

  4. potherb n. 熟食叶用菜(如菠菜),(煮熟可作为食物的)野菜

  5. nettle rash n. 风疹

  6. rheumatism n. <医>风湿病

  7. eczema n. [医]湿疹

  8. extirpated v. 消灭,灭绝( extirpate的过去式和过去分词 )

  9. deity n. 神,女神,上帝




  改革前的复合式听写题目要求听写的三个句子虽长,但句中会出现很多考生较为熟悉、拼写非常简单的词。而且,即使考生不能将句子中的所有单词拼写正确,阅卷老师也可能会酌情给分。但改革后的单词及短语听写则对单词的正确拼写提出了更高的要求,考生必须将每个单词都拼写正确才能得分。不仅如此,考生还必须用所听到的录音原文中的单词或短语填空,而不可以替换成与之意思相同或相近的单词或短语。所以,改革后的试题要求考生平时更加注意单词和短语的拼写,尤其是一些容易拼写错的单词,如environment、government (两个词中的“n”常被考生遗漏)、embarrass (考生常漏写其中的一个“r”和“s”)等。为了掌握更多的词汇,考生在平时练习时每次做完听力题之后,要好好地阅读录音原文。除了确保所填的单词及短语都拼写正确外,考生还应该看看原文中是否还有自己不会拼写的单词,有的话可以摘抄下来并加以记忆,以防下次考试会考到。












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