


2015-5-14 16:06| 发布者: ayawei| 查看: 167| 评论: 0

摘要: 托福写作范文:是否所有专业的大学生都应该学历史  托福独立写作题目   Independent Writing:   University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.所有专业 ...


  Independent Writing:

  University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.所有专业的学生都应该上历史课。


  University courses lay a very solid academic foundation for the future development of college students. Facing the great selections of these courses, some people say that, history classes should be made compulsory for college students, for the reason that they could be more familiar with the advancement and evolution of human society. I disagree. I believe, despite minor merits, asking student of all majors to attend history classes would cause problems.

  History courses would put more academic pressure on students. College students have already had to study many theory and professional subjects related to their majors and their schedule is very tight. For example, a medical student is not only obliged to finish his professional papers for credit, but he also needs to find the opportunity to get clinical experience. His load is so heavy that he could not afford to take any irrelevant courses, such as history. In this case, schools should not add this course, because students would worry whether they could finish their homework on time and how they would pass final examinations.

  A required history course would lead to unnecessary cost for parents and students. To guarantee the quality of lecturing, colleges have to hire talented and senior history professors and experts, such as those from the best-known universities or history research institutes. This would increase the cost of schooling. Normally, a lecture given by a famous history professor costs over 1,000 dollars. These costs would be reflected in the tuition fee, and would deprive many underprivileged students of an opportunity for education.

  Admittedly, taking history courses does have its merits. Students could learn to prevent repeating the mistakes of the past. For instance, they would learn about the cause of the world wars and other bloody battles that claimed the lives of millions. Students could also gain a better understanding of current issues by studying historical events. For example, by studying the American Revolution a student could be enlightened on the current world democracy. However, this knowledge could be acquired by other method other than required courses. History seminars, TV documentaries and books are all available options for student to learn about history.

  In conclusion, although there are some small benefits to requiring a history course, making every college student take a history course would overburdened the students both academically and financially. In addition, the small advantage that a required history course would provide can be obtained other ways.


  综合写作是托福写作板块中的其中一项。托福考试的写作部分分为综合(Integrated writing)和独立(Independentwriting)两块,这两块分别独立评分,取平均值后得到最终的分数。也就是说,这两个部分各占一半权重,因此应给予相同程度的重视。关于这两部分的了解,强烈建议同学们自己去看看ETS出版的托福考试官方指南(OG),OG里面对于考试形式和评分标准有非常详尽的介绍,有些同学在准备输出端考试(写作或者口语)的时候,居然连评分细则都不看,仅凭自己的主观臆测和对于老师讲解的依稀记忆去打造自己的文章,考不好真的不奇怪。下面,我们就来分析一下托福考试的评分细则。


  A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture andcoherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant informationpresented in the reading. The response is well organized and occasional language errors thatare present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content orconnections。



  1、 阅读能力

  2、 听力和速记能力

  3、 一定的改写能力

  好了,下面我们来看看应该如何复习综合写作。首先,大家要对自己的阅读和听力能力有一个认识,首选的测试题就是ETS发布的TPO(toefl practice online),大家不妨在复习初期拿来“裸测”一下。对自己的能力有大概认识之后,同学们一定要注意复习方法。很多同学认为自己阅读差就是因为不认识单词,所以拼命背单词;有些同学觉得自己听力差,就花大量时间练习听写。这些方法本身都对能力提高很有好处,但是大家一定要记住,实战才是锻炼能力的最好方式,所以还是希望大家多做全套的综合写作习题,TPO有二十多套,就是很不错的选择。但是TPO有一个问题,没有很规范的范文作为参考,这是为什么很多老师开始在精讲精练班上讲解TPO,以帮助同学们复习。另外,还有一本书值得推荐《新托福考试专项进阶——高级写作》,这是我在自己的单项班上的专用教材,里面的综合写作并不是TPO,但却是托福考试真题还原出来的,而且配有nativespeaker撰写的范文,具备不错的参考价值。





  4、再次仿真练习,读passage,听lecture,再写summary,然后对书后面的sample answer,一定做到不要遗漏听力中的信息。









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