


2015-5-12 09:15| 发布者: ayawei| 查看: 139| 评论: 0

摘要: 雅思写作Task2作文开头该怎么写  一 雅思写作Task2作文开头写法:纯粹添加社会背景:   1.The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to/contributes towards a ser ...

  一 雅思写作Task2作文开头写法:纯粹添加社会背景:

  1.The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to/contributes towards a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone.

  Our society/China has witnessed eye-catching/marked economic and social progress in the past X decades.

  2.The ever-accelerated updating of science and technology contributes to rapid changes in all aspects of our everyday lives.

  3.This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis.

  …This has been driven by the acceleration of globalization and high-tech development

  With the acceleration of economic globalization and urbanization, …

  With the eye-catching progress/advance of economy/society/ living standard, great changes have taken place in all aspects of our everyday lives.

  4.With the advent of the invention of…/the information age/the age of globalization and urbanization/

  This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis.


  1. 越来越重要:plays an increasingly significant/ indispensable role in…

  2. 以惊人的速度向前发展:is advancing at an ever- accelerated speed in present-day society

  3. 越来越流行:…is increasingly prevalent in the contemporary world

  4. 彻底改变我们的生活:…has revolutionized our life

  5. (负面背景)问题越来越严重:The problem of…is becoming increasingly disturbing/severe/worrisome X is deteriorating


  (1) At present/In present-day society/modern society/In this day and age

  In the past several decades/over the last several years

  (2)It is widely/commonly/generally believed, acknowledged, accepted that…

  P.S. It is suggested that 是一种不指明观点持有人的提问看法的形式,在论文中极为常见。类似的有: It is argued that…; It is advised that…; It is believed that…

  There is much discussion/argument/controversy at present(时间) as to whether or not/ whether we should...

  (3)It is a well-known fact that… // A is regarded as the…

  二 雅思写作Task2作文开头写法:讨论类Discuss

  (1)There is much discussion/controversy at present/in present-day society as to whether we should/whether or not...

  (2)It has aroused fierce controversy as to whether or not…

  (3)… is a frequent topic/issue of discussion when…

  e.g., The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, art or music.

  (4)A much debated issue at present/in present-day society is whether…


  1. Some (Many) people, Those who…might argue that…

  2. Numerous people=the majority of people

  3. 认为: believe, argue, feel, maintain, claim, think

  Hold the opinion, are under the impression that,




  1. 把重点摆在句首或句尾。


  (1) Incorrect grammar and improper construction invariably distract readers'attention.

  (2) The history of vocabulary is, in many ways, the record of civilisation.


  2. 在复杂句里,把主句放在从句之后。



  (3a) I came upon an old classmate when I went to town yesterday.

  (3b) When I went to town yesterday, I came upon an old classmate.

  副词短语更是如此,如 (4b):

  (4a) Steel is commonly used to make knives, razors and other useful tools because of its durability.

  (4b) Beacuse of its durability, steel is commonly used to make knives,razers and other useful tools.

  3. 把较重要或有分量的词语放在后头,如(5b)和(6b):

  (5a) I was delighted and amused by the classical opera

  (5b) I was amused and delighted by the classical opera.

  (6a) That singer's life was tragic and brief.

  (6b) That singer's life was brief and tragic.

  4. 把句子中一系列的项目作逻辑性的排列。例如:

  (7) Tony ate his dinner, watched TV, and then went to bed.

  (8) Were you bored with years of study in elementary school, high school and institute of higher education?

  5. 必要时,重复重要的语词或概念。


  (9) Jackie enjoys the company of ladies. He likes their beauty, he likes their delicacy, he likes their vivacity,

  and he likes their silence.

  (10) ...the land stretched out without names. Nameless headlands split the surf; nameless lakes reflected the

  nameless mountains and nameless rivers flowed through nameless valleys and nameless bays.

  6. 尽量用主动说态,因此(11b)比(11a)好:

  (11a) A pedestrian was struck on the head by a flying stone.

  (11b) A flying stone struck a pedestrian on the head.

  7. 适当时候,可用倒装句和平行句,如:

  (12) Seven dwarfs lived here in the centre of the dark forest. → Here, in the centre of the dark forest

  lived seven dwarfs.

  (13) Severity breeds fear; roughness breeds hatred.

  (14) Honesty recommends that I speak; self-interest demands that I remain silent.








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