


2015-4-22 11:05| 发布者: ayawei| 查看: 107| 评论: 0

摘要: 【英语新闻】日本职场变化,女性收益最多  The weather is getting warmer in Tokyo and many Japanesemen are accompanying their young children to parks on theweekends, to play football or catch, or walk w ...

  The weather is getting warmer in Tokyo and many Japanesemen are accompanying their young children to parks on theweekends, to play football or catch, or walk with them in thewoods. The mothers are always not present.


  This is something of a sea change for Japanese men who have a reputation for being lazy at home.


  A poll of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's member countries lastyear found that Norwegian men pitched in the most - 180 minutes a day - with housework andrelated chores while Japanese men did the least - only 62 minutes a day.


  There is a reason for Japanese men's unhelpfulness at home.


  In Japan's corporate culture, many employees - almost all men - are more devoted to theircompany than to their family. They routinely work long hours. They accept reassignment toremote locations without question. They carouse with colleagues and corporate clients till late atnight.


  Many young Japanese fathers today say they would like to be more involved in raising theirchildren, but very few feel at liberty to take the child-care leave to which they are entitled by law.


  Such a work style is possible for a man married to a stay-at-home woman who excuses him dutiesat home, but it is a different story for a woman with children.


  About 70 percent of Japanese women leave the labor force after giving birth to their first child.Only about one-third of Japanese mothers with young children work, compared with 50 to 60percent in the United States, Britain and Germany, and 75 percent in Sweden.


  It is not fair to just blame Japan's corporations for Japanese women's retreat from workplaces.There are not enough child-care centers in Japan. Women are often caught in a Catch 22situation: they cannot secure a job until a child-care slot is available, and they are not eligible forsuch a slot until they have a job.


  Many women, as a result, choose to stay at work rather than have children.



  Shinwa Agency Co, Ltd, a subsidiary of Japan's Daiwa House Group, offers its employees a bonusof 1 million yen ($8,410) for a child they give birth to. But very few female employees at Shinwahave taken the bonus.


  It is commendable that Japanese companies are changing. Some companies including Itochu, ageneral trading house, and Ricoh, a printer maker, are initiating flexible working hours so as toreduce or put an end to overtime.


  This move allows men to engage in raising their children and working mothers to balance work andfamily responsibilities.


  Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is calling on Japanese corporations to appoint at least onewoman to their boards. And he is considering changing the tax laws that discourage mothers fromworking and providing new training subsidies to help them return to the workplace following child-care leave.


  These initiatives are not motivated by softhearted political correctness but by hard-headedeconomic logic. Japan's demographic challenges are too severe, and the untapped economicpotential of Japanese women is too large to ignore.


  Japan needs to expand its workforce, which is shrinking rapidly as a result of a declining birth rateand a rapidly aging population. The road ahead for Abe's mission to remedy gender inequality inthe Japanese workforce is bumpy. Japan needs to change its deeply rooted social values ongender roles and foster a work style in which overtime is not the rule but the exception.


  The best - and the simplest - way to encourage women's full participation in the workforce is tomake child day care more readily and widely available. Doing so will allow mothers to return toworkplaces whenever they see fit.


  Tokyo's parks are one of the places where the changes underway in Japanese society are visibleand laudable.





  改革前的复合式听写题目要求听写的三个句子虽长,但句中会出现很多考生较为熟悉、拼写非常简单的词。而且,即使考生不能将句子中的所有单词拼写正确,阅卷老师也可能会酌情给分。但改革后的单词及短语听写则对单词的正确拼写提出了更高的要求,考生必须将每个单词都拼写正确才能得分。不仅如此,考生还必须用所听到的录音原文中的单词或短语填空,而不可以替换成与之意思相同或相近的单词或短语。所以,改革后的试题要求考生平时更加注意单词和短语的拼写,尤其是一些容易拼写错的单词,如environment、government (两个词中的“n”常被考生遗漏)、embarrass (考生常漏写其中的一个“r”和“s”)等。为了掌握更多的词汇,考生在平时练习时每次做完听力题之后,要好好地阅读录音原文。除了确保所填的单词及短语都拼写正确外,考生还应该看看原文中是否还有自己不会拼写的单词,有的话可以摘抄下来并加以记忆,以防下次考试会考到。












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