


2012-9-19 14:27| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 217| 评论: 0

摘要: GRE写作高分必备:GRE写作考试中常用单词  象征:symbolize; emblematize; indicate; represent; signify; stand for  进步,提高:improve ameliorate better develop remedy revise enhance enrich upgrade re ...

  象征:symbolize; emblematize; indicate; represent; signify; stand for
  进步,提高:improve ameliorate better develop remedy revise enhance enrich upgrade refine
  重要,关键:important significant consequential momentous considerable essential valuable distinctive great weighty major serious grave vital capital substantial material
  正确的,无误的:correct rectify accurate precise proper undistorted right impeccable
  增长和减少:increase rise extend magnify decrease reduce fall amplify aggrandize elongate intensify enhance prolong strengthen curtail shrink terminate lessen abate raise boost intense(intensify) expand augment enlarge diminish dwindle slump
  证明:justify warrant assert claim contend argue validate substantiate verify accuse assign indict allege affirm
  论题:statement claim declaration assertion opinion belief view conviction persuasion
  要求:request demand needs requisition
  撤销:to cancel; to revoke; to countermand; [Law] to rescind; to quash
  建立:to build up; to establish; to set up; to found; to take root; to strike root
  消除:to eliminate; to clear; to remove; to clear up; to take away; to smooth away
  推理: inference; reasoning; deduction; ratiocination
  相应:1. corresponding; relevant; relative; fitting; appropriate
  2. accordingly; correspondingly; by the same token; in a corresponding way
  3. to correspond to; to act in responses; to work in concert with; to support each other
  导致:to lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cause; to spark off; to conduce to; to procure; to induce; to generate
  后果:a consequence; an aftermath; an outcome
  检查:to inspect; to check; to examine; to look over; to put to the test; to keep a check on
  程度:strikingly greatly highly exceedingly dreadfully remarkably drastically dramatically
  足够:sufficient adequate enough
  越来越: be increasingly + adj., be on the rise, a growing number of
  人们认为: it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that
  许多问题: a host of/a number of problems
  引起人们注意:claim /call/attract general/public/world attention to sth.
  意识到:there is a growing awareness/realization of/that, awaken sb. to the fact/danger
  适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change
  接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems
  接触社会: come into frequent/close contact with the world/society
  获得成功:achieve/accomplish success
  提出观点/建议:advance / put forward / come up with the arguments/ideas/suggestions
  作出努力:make tremendous/persistent/sustained effort to do sth., take great pains to do(with work/study)
  影响学习/工作:interfere with studies/work
  产生影响:exert a profound influence on life/personality, have a dramatic/undesirable effect on
  随着生活节奏的加快:with the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life/society
  开阔眼界/兴趣: broaden one’s interest/outlook, expand(broaden/enlarge) one’s mental horizons
  有助于了解/发展/宣传/解决:contribute much/little/greatly/to a better understanding of/the popularity of/the growth of/the solution of
  有助于解决问题:go a long way to(towards) solving the problem
  迷恋名利/分数:be obsessed/preoccupied with grades/fame/fortune
  把时间花/浪费在:spend/waste time doing sth., put in hours doing sth.
  利用机会/技术:make (full/better) use of/take advantage of opportunity/time,
  tap/harness technology potential/skills/talent
  把知识/经验运用到:apply/put the theory/knowledge/experience… to practice/daily life/good use
  取得进步: make much progress/strides/gains in
  充分发挥潜力/能力:develop one’s ability/potential to the full, give full play to one’ s ability
  充满激情/渴望:have a burning desire/a great passion for







重要的是形成惯性思维,考试时间真的是太紧张了,要想现场思考每句话的调理性真的是太难了,反正我没做到,写得时候手指不停的运转,远远超过了大脑运转的速度,只有有充分思维准备的人,才能驾轻就熟,运用自如。题目中提到politics,大脑中就应当出现Franklin Roosevelt Lincoln Gerhard Shroeder Gandhi……; 提到ART,就该想到Rembrandt Van Gogh Starry night night watch Henmingway the old man and the sea……; 提到Scandal,就该想到Nixonwatergatebill clintonsex sandalEnran……总之,熟练是非常非常重要的!


如果不勤修改自己的文章,就不知道自己原来的漏洞和不足在哪,闷头写,只能导致lose the stake! 当认真学习一段时间写作之后,再回头改第一篇习作,肯定会发现自己很多毛病,这说明: 我们在进步!










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