
两全其美网校城 首页 雅思网校雅思考试复习指导


雅思考试新理念:玩得好更学得好   随着雅思考试被越来越多的国家及院校所承认,雅思考试的报名人数也逐年增长。广大考生所面临的竞争越来越激烈,压力也日益增大。一些考生认为只有不停地苦背单词,搞题海战术 ...
2012-2-16 21:36
雅思专家点评:雅思考试“面面谈”   今年,恰逢雅思(IELTS)考试在中国迎来自己二十周岁生日,对雅思考试来说,其在中国的发展已日臻成熟、并迅速成长为值得依赖的国际性英语考试。正如英国文化协会考试部中国业 ...
2012-2-16 21:35
雅思考前应做足的三项功课   临近考试,考生应该做足以下三项功课:   至少完成三套模考题   在考前约一周,考生需严格按照雅思考试程序及时间要求,完整地做完至少三套雅思考试模拟试卷。学生对雅思考试越 ...
2012-2-16 21:34
错题集加单词本 雅思8分轻松拿下
错题集加单词本 雅思8分轻松拿下   周同学获雅思8.0分的罕见高分,阅读、听力、写作、口语四项的得分分别是8.5分、8.5分、7分、7分。   周同学正忙着准备SAT考试。原本不想这么早出国留学的她,在“8.0分”的 ...
2012-2-16 21:33
第二季度雅思备考攻略   第一、单词先行,实力为王   由于雅思考试的阅读部分需要考生在一小时的时间里阅读三篇文章(800-900词/篇),在短短一小时时间里读完读懂文章已属于一个较大的挑战,同时需要我们完成约 ...
2012-2-16 21:32
雅思应考忌用四六级思维   不少考生深深感觉到雅思大考当中有两只“拦路虎”——写作与口语。如何能在这两个关键环节取得高分,不仅是雅思考试取得高分的关键,也是将来留学他乡是否能真正融入英语国家的关键。 ...
2012-2-16 21:31
王陆预测雅思必考题   最近visit,就是别人对你的一次拜访有考啦。注意。   预测有风险,考生须谨慎。   参考妙语连珠,不要完全照搬答案。   请注意第二部分的新题,第一部分没有变化。   全国的口语考 ...
2012-2-16 21:30
雅思官方答疑区问题解答   雅思成绩在考后多久公布?   雅思官方:雅思成绩在考后的10个工作日发出。   EQ是什么的缩写?   雅思官方:EQ一般指Emotional Intelligence Quotient, 由于是缩写,也有其它的可 ...
2012-2-16 21:29
雅思口试机经   anyway...广州。。。1:40   part1 major, why choose? 喜欢travel? why 讲一个你去过觉得最吸引的地方。。。再讲个你最想去的国家。。几点睡?最喜欢每天哪个时候?   part2 an activity you ...
2012-2-16 21:27
雅思阅读与词汇量之间的“必然联系”   阅读中的难点或障碍是由种种因素造成的,英语词汇便是其中之一。我们常常听到学习英语的人们,其中包括学习英语专业的学生,抱怨自己的词汇量小,读物中生词多,读不下去 ...
2012-2-16 21:26
雅思考试非典型完全攻略   单词篇:   很多雅思考生反映,雅思考试对词汇量的要求高,而自身基础比较薄弱,因此在短时间内很难突破。很多考生“病急乱投医”,到书店买一大堆词汇手册“狂背”,每本单词手册都 ...
2012-2-16 21:25
雅思“留学之星”回看留洋路   雅思让人渴望学习,而不是为了应试去抵制学习。   每一位雅思“留学之星”、“幸运之星”,在与雅思相遇时,几乎都有着相同的考场感受,那就是——享受雅思。   “从初学英语 ...
2012-2-16 21:25
模拟试题移民类(G类)写作一例   WRITING TASK 1   You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task.   You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very dif ...
2012-2-16 21:23
双边态度在雅思写作中的运用   学生在进入雅思的精品学习阶段的之后,开始大量地接触雅思作文真题并渐渐地了解到各种作文形式。此时,TASK2由于其规定字数较多以及对考生观点有较高的要求而成为雅思写作考试中的 ...
2012-2-16 21:23
雅思移民类书信考试预测   移民类书信在雅思考试中属于相对稳定的考察项目,尽管每年的考试重点有所偏倚,但是受文体形式和话题内容的限制, 09 年的移民类书信写作将继续保持稳中求变的走势,综合近三年来的考 ...
2012-2-16 21:22
雅思考试趋向阅读题型与话题   题型分布   2008年出现了多次考试没有一道判断题的情况,这在往年的考试中是不可想象的。取而代之的是“人见人烦”的配对题,尤其是段落细节配对题。从2008年的雅思阅读题型分布 ...
2012-2-16 21:21
雅思听力实用规律技巧   一、主要规律   1、定位词   (1)否定词、名字、数字(钱、电话、时间)、难词(读音)、名词(语气上重读)、路名等。   (2)笑声:笑声或者其它异常声响(听力内容中的),一般会包含答案 ...
2012-2-16 21:20
雅思写作与口语经典素材   在雅思考试当中,“朋友”这个主题是在写作和口语中都会出现的考查范围,尤其以雅思口语中为多,以下为关于“朋友”的经典名言,适当使用,能使你在雅思考试中取得更好的成绩。   1. ...
2012-2-16 21:17
雅思写作词汇替换预料库   下面的语料都是我在修改和阅读雅思作文的时候找出的高频词汇,这里面的核心词汇也是我在雅思各个班级的课堂上反复提及的,务必烂熟于心。第一级别词汇多是最常用词汇,不推荐使用,后 ...
2012-2-16 21:16
一个人的雅思考场   12月6日,黑龙江大学的雅思考点组织了一场特殊的考试。该场考试共有三个与众不同的地方。   第一, 特殊考生。 考生名叫秦海龙,来自于黑龙江佳木斯大学计算机系。由于身患轻度脑瘫和智障 ...
2012-2-16 21:15
雅思听力难点分析及应对策略   总体难度   今年考试的总体难度毫无疑问是增加的,对于广大考生而言,更难有出色发挥。但由于雅思考试测水平不测考题的原则,考题难度增加对考生的分数不会有太大的影响,也就是 ...
2012-2-16 21:14
雅思写作必备:剑六A类写作第二套分析   A类第二套分析   (一)小作文   WRITING TASK 1题目   You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.   The table below gives information about changes in ...
2012-2-16 21:12
英语学习技巧:阅读句子远胜于背诵单词   学习英文,阅读句子,远胜于背诵单词。为什么呢?   背单词的坏处之一是要记忆的单词是孤立松散的,按照字母顺序排列的,这些单词和自己没有任何直接的关系,丝毫不能 ...
2012-2-16 21:11
17G类小作文冲刺及范文   Topic 1 抱怨产品质量   You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.   You havebought a washing machine. First you found that the machine damaged your clothes,and you ...
2012-2-16 21:10
雅思考试的捷径:疯狂做题   文章标题看着貌似有点矛盾,但其实不然。我遇到过很多学生,尤其是基础差的或者自以为自己基础差的(即妄自菲薄)学生,他们很多都会选择先报一个基础型的班级,打打基础,背背单词, ...
2012-2-16 21:09
雅思名师写作范文:双曲线作文   The graph shows (relates) the percentage of radio and television audiences over 4 years old in the UK (the UK population over 4 years old who tuned in to radio and t ...
2012-2-16 21:08
雅思听力场景:旅游   A: Attraction - 景点   1) 著名景点:Tower Bridge, London Tower, Hadrian's Wall,Westminster Abbey, Stonehenge, Sydney Opera House, Ayers Rock...   S: Sensation- 感官   1) ...
2012-2-16 21:07
雅思写作Task 2机经二
雅思写作Task 2机经二   080927   Poor students or students who come from rural areas find it is difficult to access to the university education. Some people think that universities should make it ...
2012-2-16 21:06
雅思写作Task 2机经一
雅思写作Task 2机经一   080705   Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer, but others think they should learn more about theoretical courses like geography and ...
2012-2-16 21:06
为雅思写作加分的100个高频英语短语二   51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue   52.支持前/后种观点的人 people/those in favor of the former/latteropinion   53.有/ ...
2012-2-16 21:05
为雅思写作加分的100个高频英语短语一   1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy   2.人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长the remarkableimprovement/steady growth of people’s living standard   ...
2012-2-16 21:04
关于雅思机考的几大分析和解惑   近两个月,不断有学员和同行向我打听雅思机考的事情,在这里,我把我对雅思机考的理解向广大雅友进行一个阐述:   1、首先,中国并不是第一个实行雅思机考的国家;早在2005年, ...
2012-2-16 21:03
雅思名师写作范文:图表作文   The charts illustrate the proportions of both males and females being arrested and the related reasons for these arrests.   As can be seen from the two pie chart, ma ...
2012-2-16 21:02
雅思名师写作范文:柱状图作文   The bar chart compares the proportion of employees of both genders employed in executive positions in ACNE Oil Company within a one-year period between July 1993 and ...
2012-2-16 21:01
雅思英语听力中量和级的关系   我们都知道,任何事物的发展都有一个从量变到质变得过程。语言学习也不例外,如果没有一定的努力和量的积累,想突破英语几乎是不可能的。听力练习尤其如此。由于我们日常英语学习 ...
2012-2-16 21:01
写作范文:交通危机,如何会使市民更满意   范文仅供参考!   Version 102 (17, August 2002 Malaysia)   Traffic is a very serious problem. The pedestrians and bicycle riders are more and more danger ...
2012-2-16 20:59
雅思写作绝招--开头万能公式   1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言   有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编!   原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是, ...
2012-2-16 20:57
雅思写作绝招--结尾万能公式   . 结尾万能公式一:如此结论   说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语 ...
2012-2-16 20:56
雅思写作绝招--"七项基本原则"   一、长短句原则   工作还得一张一驰呢,老让读者读长句,累死人!写一个短小精辟的句子,相反,却可以起到画龙点睛的作用。而且如果我们把短句放在段首或者段末,也可以揭示主 ...
2012-2-16 20:55
雅思样文:控制暴力   The government should control the amount of violence in films and on elevision in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with ...
2012-2-16 20:54
雅思写作必背句   "句子就是财富,句子就是一切",这些句子是从近百篇雅思优秀作文中摘录下来并经反复推敲提炼而成的.对于复习时间短,基础较薄弱的朋友能够在短期内熟悉且背诵这些经典句子无疑是准备雅思考试的"捷 ...
2012-2-16 20:53
雅思考试小作文写作范文集   9月6日 Task1   In Cool Climates special attention is given to the use of building materials that have a high “Thermal Mass”. Insulation is used on the outside of hea ...
2012-2-16 20:52
雅思小作文写作技巧与应注意事项   雅思技巧与注意事项(写作---小作文)个人总结分析(谢谢各位51IELTS的帮助)   1。试卷发下后,请花半分钟的时间来浏览作文的题目,这里包括议论文在内。   2。此后,请看第 ...
2012-2-16 20:51
写作范文:城乡差距在逐渐加大,如何缩小?   范文仅供参考!   Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide.   How to reduce the differenc ...
2012-2-16 20:50
雅思听力训练的几个具体问题   (1)听力工具的选择   在听力训练必须要有好的工具,有的人说练习听力不用什么工具就用耳朵行了,这是非常偏颇的,好的听力训练工具能够让你事半功倍。究竟怎样的工具比较好呢?世面 ...
2012-2-16 20:49
雅思听力决胜关键   很多学生问我提高雅思听力的捷径,其实听力水平的提高没有什么真正的捷径,也非一朝一夕可以实现的目标。但是听的技巧和考试的技巧却是可以通过专业教师的指导和适当的训练方法,在课堂的学 ...
2012-2-16 20:44
雅思判断题解题技巧最新研究   判断题是雅思考试的常见题型,也是难度很大的题型。在普通培训类考试中最多达22题,在学术类考试中也不少于6题。目前有逐渐增多的趋势。其中True/False/Not Given 多见于General Tr ...
2012-2-16 20:42
雅思考试如何考到9分   Since there is a request for knowing how to get a 9 in the IELTS, here are some tips:   1. Modify your TV habits at least for some time. Watch BBC and other British program ...
2012-2-16 20:39
IELTSwritting-modelessay12   Air travel, once a privilege of the wealthy, has been gaining popularity worldwide over the last few decades. The number of people traveling by air has been growing by ...
2012-2-16 20:36
IELTSwritting-modelessay11   Topic: Should government invest poor population or hi-tech research.   Thesis: Government should invest poor population rather than hi-tech research, for it better f ...
2012-2-16 20:35
IELTSwritting-modelessay10   Should rich countries help poorer ones?   Today, the world is becoming more and more closely linked. Trade has increased and the movement of people between countries ...
2012-2-16 20:35
IELTSwritting-modelessay9   Companies should encourage old employees (55 years old) to retire, in order to give opportunities to the new generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   No ...
2012-2-16 20:34
IELTSwritting-modelessay8   Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from ...
2012-2-16 20:33
IELTSwritting-modelessay7   What can education bring us? Is “high mark” the real destiny of education? As researchers and scholars are investigating this subject, the accurate definition of educa ...
2012-2-16 20:32
IELTSwritting-modelessay6   The first time when an astronaut arrived on the Moon, he said: "It is a big step for mindkind." However, some people think it makes a minor impact on our lives. Do you ...
2012-2-16 20:31
IELTSwritting-modelessay4   Some teachers say students should be organized into group study. Others argue that students should be made to study alone. Discuss the benefits of both and state the mo ...
2012-2-16 20:31
IELTSwritting-modelessay5   Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-away society” which is filling with plastic bags and rubbish. What do you think?   Wind blows up bags highe ...
2012-2-16 20:30
IELTSwritting-modelessay3   People attend college or university for many different reasons. Why do you think people attend college or university?   People attend colleges or universities for a l ...
2012-2-16 20:27
IELTSwritting-modelessay2   Animals were friends or foes of humanity at different stages of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have been a breeding ground for spirited de ...
2012-2-16 20:26
IELTSwritting-modelessay1   Happiness is considered very important in our life. Why it is difficult to define? What factors are in achieving happiness?   It has been widely noted that happiness ...
2012-2-16 20:25
雅思考试作文论据大全六   and individuality.   4. The strongest ethical argument against cloning is that it could lead to a new, unfamiliar type of family relationship.   5. Another argument a ...
2012-2-16 20:23
雅思考试作文论据大全五   , causes a fire hazard, pollutes waterways and detracts from the amenity of public parks and gardens.   4. What we are doing now is wasteful of resources and unfriendly ...
2012-2-16 20:22
雅思考试作文论据大全四   2. Nowadays the social competition is becoming fiercer and everyone wants to cope with adversity and to flourish in their education, vocation, and personal relationships. ...
2012-2-16 20:21
雅思考试作文论据大全三   9. Money management is seldom taught in schools; it is up to the parents to educate their children in this very important life skill.   10. It is a way to help educate c ...
2012-2-16 20:21
雅思考试作文论据大全二   Will Computers Replace Human Teachers?   1. Computers are cold impersonal devices and they relate to children as though they are machines—without love, care, or feeling ...
2012-2-16 20:20
雅思考试作文论据大全一   VALUE="-1" .   How to Support and Develop the Museum and Gallery:   1. The government sets up more state funded museums and art school.   2. Increase education perso ...
2012-2-16 20:19
雅思词汇(follow me) 第八十四期
雅思词汇(follow me) 第八十四期   本期词汇:   1. convention 会议   eg: The governor will keynote the convention.   州长将发表施政方针的演说。   2. chairperson 主席   eg: The chairperso ...
2012-2-16 20:18
雅思词汇(follow me) 第七十五期
雅思词汇(follow me) 第七十五期   本期词汇:   1. anthropology 人类学   eg: Anthropology is a science dealing with man and his origins.   人类学是一门研究人类及其起源的学科。   2. sociolog ...
2012-2-16 20:17
IELTSwritting-moldelessay28   There is nothing unusual about energy like coals and oils being consumed, principally because economic development depends on natural resources all the time. But what ...
2012-2-16 18:33
IELTSwritting-moldelessay27   Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Someone think that we must return to the olds, more traditional values of respect for the f ...
2012-2-16 18:33
IELTSwritting-modelessay26   Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in today’s society. Therefore it is not necessary for children to learn a foreign language. What’s you ...
2012-2-16 18:32
IELTSwritting-modelessay25   Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance of inherited characte ...
2012-2-16 18:31
IELTSwritting-modelessay24   Companies should encourage old employees (55 years old) to retire, in order to give opportunities to the new generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   N ...
2012-2-16 18:30
IELTSwritting-modelessay23   Should rich countries help poorer ones?   Today, the world is becoming more and more closely linked. Trade has increased and the movement of people between countries ...
2012-2-16 18:30
IELTSwritting-modelessay22   In recent years, more and more advertisements have been flooding into our lives. Some advertisements exert negative effects on the youth. Therefore some people suggest ...
2012-2-16 18:29
IELTSwritting-modelessay21   Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth’s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environm ...
2012-2-16 18:28
雅思考试千万不要“背单词”(场景单词记忆重要性)2   再看例句:   Neither the wrath of Heavennor the attacks of enemies are as fatal as Pleasure alone when she infects the mind.   Not with wrath ...
2012-2-16 18:27
雅思写作的语言要求   1. 准确:用词选择,时间描述等,这是语言的基本要求,所需要的基本功是对于图表信息和议论文审题的准确把握,其实是个思维水平的问题,要求考生在进行考前练习的同时,要观察生活,理解生 ...
2012-2-16 18:20
如何在三个月内雅思写作到六分   很多基础差的学生在雅思的学习中都有这样的感觉,其他的几个方面都在短期的培训中有所提高,唯独写作很难有个很高的提高,尤其是基础差的考生,达到了五分之后,很难再提高到六 ...
2012-2-16 18:19
烤鸭写作胜策第二十二期-并列句(下)   并列句   并列句由两个以上意义相关的独立分句组成,分句之间通过并列连词连接或由连接性副词连接。并列句的分句各有一个完整、独立的主谓结构,表达的意思同等重要,分 ...
2012-2-16 18:18
中华会计网校 新东方网络课堂 中华会计网校会计继续教育 新东方网校 环球网校 中公网校

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